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This article, Randy Cornet, is property of Billy cougar.

Randy Cornet
Randy Cornet
Biographical information
Real name Randall Cornet
Also known as Rand, Viper, Youngest Cornet
Nationality British-American flag British-American
Age 29
Status Deceased
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Cornet Brothers, Jason Cornet
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver, Red Dead Redemption (mentioned), The Godfather: Control of France City (mentioned)
Voiced by (English) ?
— Randy after shot down by Red

Randy Cornet was a British-American hitman and youngest of the Cornet Brothers who ran gambling clubs in the early 1880s. In 1893, after being left by their partner Red Harlow, they were killed.


Randy was born in Altrincham, bullied a lot by his older brother Kirk Cornet. He was youngest of all the 12 brothers. In 1884, he was arrested for assaulting a Texas Police officer while in Silver Town, and given a three-year prison sentence. By the time he was released, he was back in action in gambling along with his other 11 brothers.

Randy opened beer warfare with Nucky Thompson's gang in 1887 for the control over some liquor, given intelligence through Red Harlow, who helped him attack Chalky White's gang and rob several of Nucky's fronts. The gang warfare turned intense as the body count piled up on both sides, so Nucky decided that he needed to leave state in order to survive.


In January of 1889 Randy was whipped with pistol, shot in the head two times and finally died at the Griffon's Mansion while in battle with Red Harlow. He was the second brother to die, after Oswald Cornet.


  • He and Richard Cornet are the only two brothers to be by any chance affiliated with Red Harlow.