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This article, Ramses, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Pharaoh Ramses
Biographical information
Nationality Flag of Egypt Egyptian
Physical description
Eye colour Dark brown
Hair colour Dark brown
Ethnicity Middle Easterner
Height 5’8
Weight 185 lbs
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies Moses, Creeping Death, Samael
Occupation(s) Pharaoh of Egypt
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) Courage the Cowardly Dog
"Return the slab! Or suffer my cuss!"
— Ramses when his slab is stolen

Ramses was a pharaoh of Egypt during the story of Moses. At first, he was Moses’s adoptive brother. Real sith, right? He was also the son of a previous pharaoh named Seti and a queen named Tuya. He was very cruel towards the Israelites whom he owned as slaves, much like his father did. When an angel named Creeping Death was sent by Samael to kill his oldest son, he finally allowed Moses to successfully let the Israelites out of Egypt and freed them. However, he changed his mind later and tried to kill them all, until Moses parted the Red Sea, causing them to all get washed up while Ramses drowned.


  • He, well his ghost, appears as a minor villain in one of Courage: The Cowardly Beagle Dogs episodes, where his slab was taken and wants it returned. He unleashed some plagues onto the middle of Nowhere, until his precious stone was returned to him and he went back to rest in peace.
Ramses slab

Ramses' slab that was stolen.
