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This article, Raid on the Fighter Testing Facility, is property of Staff Sergeant Jack Jackson.

Previous War:
Concurrent War:
Next War: Battle of Earth
Raid on the Fighter Testing Facility
Conflict: Earth-Mars War
Date: 3 March 2203
Place: Fighter Testing Facility, Earth's Orbit
Outcome: Native/Foreign Victory:
  • Declaration of War

Facility Scientists Minor Victory:

  • Escaped from the Facility

Facility Scientists
The Fighter

Native/Foreign Forces

Facility Guards


The Fighter

Slas Islos



1 Fighter, 23-26 Scientists

1 SI-Class Battlecruiser, 100 Infantry Units, 1 SI-Class Boarding Cruiser and Several Starfighters

50 Guards


20 Scientists

30 Infantry Units

50 Guards


The President of USA discussed with Slas Islos, Lord of Saza that they he can't give half of Earth's money because it'll lead them into the next great depression. Slas felt the president was telling him he was inferior and raised the war flag. The First raid took on the Fighter Testing Facility, The Fighter and several scientists manage to escape. The Martians board the Facility and killing the guards and scientists. They manage to cripple the facility and cause the oxygen to start decreasing. The Fighter and the few remaining of any scientists escape just as the facility is destroyed, opening the Earth-Mars War.
