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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Rafael Molosco, is property of Billy cougar.

Rafael Molosco
Biographical information
Real name Rafaelo "Rafael" Victor Molosco
Also known as Ralf, Vik, the corrupt Marina cop, coppy, Moll
Nationality 800px-Flag of Mexico svg Mexican
Born 22nd of July, 1969
Age 47
Status Deceased
Birthplace Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, North America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Latino
Height 5'9
Weight 71 kg
Blood type A-
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Marina Family, NYPD
Enemies Olovyanov Family, Martinez Family
Occupation(s) Police Lieutenant, Marina Spy
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Mafia II
Voiced by (English) ?

Rafaelo "Rafael" Victor Molosco was a Lieutenant in the NYPD and a Marina Family spy on payroll.


Molosco was born in Ciudad de México, Mexico, in 1969. Rafaelo joined the police academy in the city to become a Lieutenant, and soon after becoming one, he moved up north to the United States, and was responsible for dealing with murders in New York City area. This caught the attention of a mob boss, Raul Marina, who offered Molosco a link to the criminal organisation - despite being a lawman - he would become a spy for the Marina Family, and literally their corrupt cop on payroll, taking large bribes from both of the Marina Brothers and Juan El Tiger.

In 2016, Molosco was responsible for committing a drug bust against the Olovyanov Family gang set in the area, arresting many of their gang members. He was later responsible for the crashing of a Martinez Family meeting that involved marijuana and cocaine usage. Molosco himself was a smoker of it, but he upheld the law, ironically.


Pissing the Olovyanov mob off was proven to be Molosco's downfall, however, as their Underboss Victor Sergeev was send to get rid of him. While Molosco was outside of the police station investigating a weird noise made by Sergeev by bashing up the cameras with a metallic Baseball Bat to hide-out his murder, Sergeev ran up to him with the said bat and crushed his coppy skull open-wide. Victor quickly made a run for it by escaping in his GS Mercedes and was never found out to be Molosco's killer.

Molosco's death was proven to have a big effect on the Marina Family.


A drawing of Rafael.
