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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, RJ, is property of Customimage.

Rj alpaca coat
RJ showing off his cannibalistic coat.
Biographical information
Real name RJ (unknown)
Nationality Slovenia!Brazilian flag Slovenian-Brazilian
Born March 3
Age 30
Status Alive
Birthplace Alpaca Hills, Slovenia, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Hair colour White
Ethnicity White fur (is an Alpaca)
Blood type O
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Van, Tata, Mang, Chimmy, Cooky, Shooky, Koya, basically BT21, Shooky's Bolshevik army
Enemies Tsar Milk III, Milk III's guards
Notable family members Zero Two (wife)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Puzzle Star BT21
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) BT21 Universtar Cartoon

RJ is a Universtarian revolutionary and one of Shooky and Cooky's closest advisers.


Whenever he feels cold, o' RJ puts on an alpaca-made coat, despite all of the fur he has and despite being an alpaca himself. Truth is he is very much more adapted to cold, Slovenian atmosphere, so that's why he wears an alpaca coat. Furthermore, he cares little for his siblings. He was the potential successor of Shooky, who would later be succeeded by Cooky instead in less than 1 month after his announcement that he would be the new leader of Universtarland, of which RJ was a member.

He pretends to be very nice to people, like Lotso, and even has a cult of personality with his own bust and a statue in Park Tivoli in Ljubljana, his country's capitol. In reality, he is actually cruel and selfish, as revealed when he got dirty and corrupted when he arrived on Universtarland, where his cruelty drove him up the ranks and he cared little for the people of Universtarland. He was the perpetrator of a genocide against the Ukrainian peasants who also lived in Unverstarland. Despite his cruelty and involvement in genocide, he is one of the most affable diplomats of the Universtars formed by Shooky, ironically.


  • He is based on Georgy Malenkov, as both were affable revolutionaries, but both were also known for their cruel actions. However, unlike Malenkov, RJ never betrayed his leaders or his party and is still loyal to Cooky to this day.
  • One could also assume he could also be based on Joe Valirover, while Shooky could be Mikhail Chachovich.
  • He should not be mistaken with the Sheriff, Rj Peart.
  • He was born in Slovenia to Brazilian owners and had a Brazilian citizenship.
  • He likes to have smex with Zero Two, who is his wife.
  • He has an even eviller version of himself, called DJ. Well, every member of BT21 has a rival member in AT21, evil or not.