This article, Principal Pankley, is property of KGBSpetsnaz. |
Principal Henry “Hank” Pankley is a corrupt mayor of Evergreen, Minnesota as well as the principal of Evergreen Middle School from the 2005 Christmas special called The Legend of Frosty the Snowman. He has no imagination and wanted all kids and residents of Evergreen to not have one, especially when it came to believing in live snowmen or Santa Claus. He is the brother of Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Francisco Franco, Joseph Stalin, Frank Kenson, the Greek god Hades, and Mao Zedong. Much like his seven brothers, he graduated from Dictator University (commonly abbreviated as DU). At one point, he was outranked by Mayor Tinkerton as he was only the principal, but temporarily replaced him in order to rule over the small town with an iron fist. At the end, he gets caught in the middle of a snowball fight. It is unknown whether or not he gets arrested in the end for his corruption.