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This article, Primozh Trubhar, is property of Squirrely the Horrible.

Primozh Trubhar
Luther and Trubhar

Primoz on the right, with his antisemitic master on the left.

Biographical information
Real name Primožovec Primož Trobenta Trubar
Also known as Primko, Primo, First Slovenian Writer, Slovenian Hero, Mr. Trubhar/Trubar, Trubentar Trubar, Bradač, Brdč, Daddy Trubs
Nationality Slovenia! Slovenian
Born 8 June, 492 BH
Age 78
Status Deceased
Birthplace Rashicha, Big Pants, Slovenia/German Empire (back then), Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Grey
Ethnicity Caucasian-Slavic
Height 5'4" (166 cm)
Weight 160 lbs (73 kg)
Blood type ?
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) The Pisstestant Church, Martin Luther, the Holy Buy-bull (crap)
Enemies Craptholics, Germans, Jews, Muslims
Occupation(s) Priest and preacher, writer
Notable family members None known
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) None
Created by Gait
"Don't you dare say that! I'm not going into the fuaking church and neither should these good people of Slovenia! LORD JEEBUS DOESN'T CARE WHERE YOU WORSHIP HIM! WORSHIP HIM AT HOME! Resist these Craptholic b-tards! AMEN!!!"
— Primozh when someone mentions anything good of the church

Primozh Trubhar (real name Primozhovec Trubentar Trubhar) was a Slovene or Slovenian Protestant fanatic and a student of Martin Luther, who is mostly known as the author of the first two Slovenian books printed in existence: Katekizmus and Abecedarium. He is responsible for not Slovenia only being a Craptholic country, but Pisstestant as hwell.

Trubar introduced The Reformation of Christianity in Slovenia with Lutheran's teachings, including dislike for Jewish people. However, Jews were not much of a concern back then, but Catholics were afraid of having their believes challenged, so they wanted Primozh and all of his cronies out of the country. The Austrian-Habsburg Empire waged war against the Protestant Reformation, and slaughtered nearly all of those scum, but a small Protestant community survived, of which Primozh was a part of. As a result, Primozh went into hiding, into exile in Germany.

Trubar is a key figure of Slovenian history as he is her first writer. Well, he is the first guy to write a book in Slovene language, hehe.


Trubhar died in his sleep in Germany, where he almost lived his entire life in secrecy, as the German, well Hapsburg Monarchy, didn't like him at all and wanted his head on a stake.

Known facts[]

  • Trubhar hated Jews because of Martin Luther's teachings and believed they killed Jeebus, whom Primozh loyally followed.
  • Primozh hated Turks and Muslims for invading Europe and believed their religion was that of Lord Antichrist, but he was wrong.
  • Trubhar was actually created by Gait after a Catholic priest disagreed with one of his teachings and Gait ordered Primozh to create a counter movement to the catholics, although the counter-movement must still be christian. Despite almost having himself killed, Trubhar partially succeeded.
  • Primozh was simply a product of his times, much like how Adolf Hitler was, but Olaf Tutchenko wasn't as hating on alien species was never common in Germany or Europe before he came to power.
  • Anti-Trubharians, mostly craptholics or atheists, like to portray him as a caveman.
  • I am actually glad this old fart croaked when he did.