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This article, Primola, is property of Billy cougar.

The Godfather Game
Corleones, cops VS Cuneos, Cuneos VS DeVacis
Little Town, France City, Europe
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Singleplayer, Story Mode
Console Codename (PC)
Primola Grocery Store
Singleplayer Map
In Little Town

Primola was a grocery store on the East Side of France, located in Little Town. It was formed by the Cuneo Family in an attempt to infiltrate Little Town during the Corleone Family's time of weakness, when they were being harassed by the Tattaglia family in the mid 2008's/8 AH's. The registered owner of the grocery store was George Cuneo, Phillip Cuneo's half brother, and the shop boss was Bobbie Cappalinni. However, during this time, the Cuneos made peace with the Corleones, and they forgot about Primola, which continued to give out a small percentage every week.

In 2009/9 AH, Charlie Trapani, a young worker under the orders of Luka Brasi, took over Primola for his own family. There were no reprisals due to the business' isolated nature.

A few years later, when the DeVazzi mob was gaining more and more power in France, the Primola was taken over by them from the Corleones and was subsequently blown up when the DeVazzis got bored of this place.

Known employees[]
