Pill Kosby is a wrestler for EWE. He is a rotten, putrid, nasty zombie who was put back together (Frankenstein style) by his son, Big E.
He was hired by the older co-CEO.
Pill Cosby is a site to behold. He was an elderly black man when he was alive, but after getting shot to death by police officers, he died to death in a ditch off the highway. Dogs found his decomposing corpse and ripped him apart for food, leaving just his head. When Big E found his head he took him home and started to rob graves and take corpses to create a new body for Pill Kosby.
Pill Kosby is a short yet very muscular man with huge pecs and a six pack. There is heavy stitching all across his body and he reeks of disinfectant. His head was ran over, mutilating the flesh and all so Big E had to stitch the skin together to his face, leaving deep, ugly pink scars all over his disfigured and deformed face. If one were to stab him, nothing but pus would ooze out of the wound. He is also able to cough out a large cloud of blood because he has excess blood from the different blood types that circulate throughout his disfigured body.
He wears a red button up, tan khakis, black shoes and a brown fedora. During his entrance he rides a motorbike.
He is an evil guy who likes to murder people. He tricks people into believing he is a nice, relaxed, friendly man as he makes videos of himself painting.
Early life[]
Pill Kosby had a child named Albert Robertson in 1972. Albert grew up to be extremely fat and thus nicknamed "Big E" as "Big A" didn't sound right, the "E" in "Big E" was short for Elbert.
In 2004, Big E ate all of his friends and became a cannibal. Pill Kosby was alright with that and even hid his crimes.
In 2019, Pill Kosby was arrested for murdering some dudes and was thrown into jail.
Prison Escape and Death[]
In 2020, there was a prison riot that occurred where all the prisoners went haywire. The officers only cared for Pill Kosby however and chased him when Pill triple jumped over the fence (Super Mario style). He ran and when he turned around to look at the cops, he saw all of them aiming their guns at him. Pill was shot 20 times and fell to the ground, dying. The police left his dead body on U.S. Route 66. Over the course of several months, dogs would come by and rip his body apart for the meat, leaving only his head. Cars and trucks would drive over his body, mutilating the flesh on his face.
Big E was walking to some town for some fresh meat when he saw Pill Kosby's head rotting on the road. He took it and brought it back home. He went to a local graveyard and extracted some bodies to attach Pill's head to. Big E also murdered dozens of people for their organs so he can use them for Pill Kosby's new body. In the end, it was a success, Pill Kosby was successfully revived.
Pill Kosby and Big E walked to Edmonton on foot and wanted to join EWE. Once he saw them, the older co-CEO immediately stamped them and accepted them into the wrestling organization.
- He frequently gave Papyrus nightmares. He fought Papyrus at least two times, each time losing. The fights would last over an hour. The final nightmare saw Papyrus getting over his fear of Pill Kosby and even beating him to a bloody pulp. Pill swore to never enter Papyrus' dreams ever again after that.
- His entrance music contains the words "Dead man walking", very fitting for him.