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This article, Peppercorn's Experiments, is property of Demon Redwood.

This here is a page of all, well four, of experiments that Abigail Peppercorn herself conducted with her private docs, using living, human test subjects. The idea of these projects was to make humans that were tested on forever loyal to her and reluctant to all types of alcohol beverages and drugs.

These experiments were performed in secrecy in the underground levels of the Shady Sanitarium, where Abby had her labs.

Experiment 1[]

Buggy Man[]

This experiment is aimed to assess and assist the effect of total solitary confinement on the human psyche of a human who is drunk and whomst drank too much in his life in general. The subject for this experiment is a Floridian by the name of Alex Smith. Much work has been done over the last few centuries concerning confined subjects, drunk or not drunk and further investigation was undertaken by Miss Abigail A. Peppercorn into the assurance that a painful combination of isolation and nutritional deprivation on said subject will make him forget about drugs and alcohol... forever. While certain institutions, like Arkham and BPH have succeeded in curing alcoholics and chronics of their long-time alcoholism, it didn't make them fanatical, like how Miss Peppercorn would want it; she wants completely fanatical straight edge followers for her "glorious cause". Many previous studies of confinement have indicated a tendency in post subjects to converse with imaginary companions or corpses they were given. The addition of preserved corpses into after 1 week would explain the dual purposes of investigating the hunger threshold for cannibalism and the tendency towards relation to figments of their imagination, heheh. A Chachovich-styled embalment was made to prevent decomposition of the introduced corpses to the drunkard's cell.

The male subject, Alex Smith, was selected with history of alcoholism and behavioural disorders to serve as Peppercorn's guinea pig in the Buggy Man experiment. The confinement needed to induce total sensory isolation from humanity. A soundproofed cell was constructed with no lights, bed, toilet, sink, etc. with an iron trapdoor in the ceiling for access. This will teach those drunkards some manners. Two observation cameras with enhanced spectral range for dark environments were set up and concealed and their lights were turn off, so Alex can suffer peacefully in the room. In order to make sure Alex wouldn't dehydrate from having no water, he would be encouraged to drink his own pee by the nurses and doctors that occasionally walked above his room and yelled into the access. A supply of insects were periodically introduced to the cell to provide limited nutrition for the subject, which is one the reasons this project is called the Buggy Man. These beetles include the standard American urban cockroach, Scarlet lily beetles, black ground beetles and the Pholcidae spider, commonly known as the cellar spider or Daddy Long-legs.

The subject Alex's first day was spent in a predictable cycle of rage, needing for alcohol and dejection. He repeatedly beat his chest like Sheamus, yelled about his needs for 'cohol and slammed his drunken fists on the walls of the cell and the door and screamed, followed by hours of sitting in a corner pulling his knees to his chest and crying, before pissing and sithing in the corner and wiping his as with a piece of his underwear he just tore apart. After 3 hours in the cell he started banging his head against the floor to kill himself and spare himself the misery, but we didn't allow it. We threw spiders through the hatch who bit him all around and he had no choice but to stop banging his head as the bites hurt like Hell. He made no attempt to sleep seemingly unaware of the time, and spent the first night and much of the second day protesting his innocence, saying that alcohol is a man's right and that he wouldn't let Prohibition to happen again and making demands for many different types of drugs.

Upon waking up on the third day, Smith defecated in a corner of the cell again and cried for his freedom. Miss Peppercorn granted him none. After repeated vocal protests and demands for alcohol, he began crawling around the floor of the cell, apparently searching for insects by touch so he could eat them. He found approximately 15 insects, all of which he ate, before taking a piss.

For the remainder of the week the subject became increasingly silent, such that on the sixth day only one utterance was made, which was 'booze' and none on the seventh. The majority of his time was spent either lying on the floor, crying in the corner, smelling his own dump or sitting with his knees pulled in to his chest and crying his eyeballs out. Every 8 hours, the subject searched for insects to eat and drank some of his pee to make it through the day.

On the subject´s eighth day in the solitary confinement, a corpse preserved with rich embalment was added into the cell with allowance from Dr. Takenberry. The subject became very agitated when the trapdoor was opened and began shouting and screaming at the staff and Takeburry as they dropped the corpse into the cell, demanding his freedom and explained that he has rights, according to the American Constitution. The subject then shouted anti-Mexican slurs at the corpse and poked it with his dik, examining it with his smelly fingers, before deciding to not come in contact with it. The subject yelled and screamed for 2 hours before he became tired and fell over. He maintained his distance from the corpse and feel asleep 5 hours after the corpse had started to smell bad and beetles runned over it.

On awaking, the subject searched for more insects to eat, carefully avoiding the corpse, but failed to find any, as they were all inside the corpus by now. He began to pull out strands of his own hair, and used them as his toilet paper after he took a piss and a sith. After almost half an hour of hair pulling, playing with his wiener, complimenting imaginary alcoholic bottles and banging his arm on the corpse, Smith suddenly stood up and began shouting, mainly about whoever had placed him in the cell and the perversity of his current, unpleasant situation, but soon degenerated into bizarre conspiracy theories about something called the Dixmor Project, the Weishaupt Order, the Jesuits and the Montana Gang, saying they are responsible for putting him into the sell and taking away his Whiskey Bottles.

By the fourth day of week 2, he appeared to have lost track of the natural cycles of day and night, no thanks to being in the dark all the time and by the end of the second week, he would sleep for about 4 hours in every 12-14 hours, suggesting he had lost the correct sense of day and night length. Any other attempts to communicate largely ceased after the fourth day and he began to just quietly cry in the corner, sobbing for his mommy to come pick him up from school, implying he started to remember his childhood.

Throughout the day, was seen to defecate on 3 occasions and take a pee on 4, always in the same corner of the cell, furthest from the corpse. Most of his waking time was split between staring at his dumps and sitting on the floor, mugging his knees to his chest and jabbering about missing bottles, his mom and Mexican immigrants. Any contact with the corpse was avoided, except when he asked the corpse if he has any bud.

In the beginning of the next week, the subject spent the majority of his time in the cell trying to find insects and spitting on his dumps in order to clean his cell. On the third day of week 3, while searching for beetles to eat, he started getting closer to the corpse, until eventually he picked something off the corpse itself and ate it. It was a spider. Instantly after this, he quickly moved to the opposite corner and began to lick the walls of the cell, searching for food, well the insects, with his tongue. The licking continued for several hours until Alex's tongue dried out and he fell asleep, hitting the back of his head on the floor. He awoke screaming 4 hours later, and started a hysterical fit involving beating his chest, impersonating Hulk Hogan, using the corpse as a stepping stool to get out of the cell, admiring imaginary bottles again and praising an imaginary statue of Frank Kenson.

A significant step was made on the fifth day, by which time Alex had self-induced alopecia cocalis. The subject began to pull out the corpse's hair and eat them. He started croaking like a frog the next hour he woke up, implying that the mental barrier in his mind was about to crack completely. He would soon resemble Piggsy's situation. He began to talk with the corpse, which was still showing no external signs of decomposition. Much of the day was spent in close proximity to the corpse, talking with it, until eventually, Alex began scratching at the corpse´s balls with his fingers and tried to grab them. It took him almost 2 hours to create reshape his ballsack into the Eiffel Tower of Champ de Mars in France, but he eventually tore off the corpse's dik as well and reshaped it into a bottle, which reminded him of his love for alcohol, he mentioned, talking to himself. He then swallowed the penis down, but stopped immediately to defecate and piss in the corner and have another plate of insects to eat. After drinking his own pee, Alex returned to the corpse and slowly began to kiss it on the mouth. Having finished kissing his new so-called bride, he retreated to a corner and cried for an hour about his mom, the president, drugs and the Ice Capades before falling asleep and snoring like a train.

Once Alex's source of entertainment from the corpse became dull, Smith was frequently seen pulling small pieces of skin and muscle tissue from around the belly of the corpse and began to eat them, implying the beetles no longer satisfied his drunken hunger, but that's what he gets for drinking so much in his life.

At the beginning of the week, Alex continues to pick meat from around the corpse´s exposed belly. Halfway through the week, he began to lick and kiss the corpse's feet and the bottle-shaped dik he had in the corner. Within 23 days of solitary confinement and starvation, Smith started to finally eat parts of his own poo and then the corpse. Interestingly, four days after the onset of cannibalism, Alex began puking all over the cell walls, spewing out especially parts of his dump. Alex then started beating the corpse in the head with his scrawny fists, before kissing its feet again and jerking off to it. He appeared to have reverted to a state of necrophilia, even pushing his wiener into the corpse's behind and imaging himself of sniffing cocaine, while he was actually sniffing in his poop and then he sat on the corpse and pretended him to be a couch. Alex then began to imagine the corpse as his bridge again and started squeezing his chest for no reason, before going back to sleep and used the corpse's butt as a pillow, not minding the rotten smell and the insects crawling about.

At the end of the fourth week, a second corpse was dropped through the beetle-ridden hatch and was added into the cell. Corpse #2, who we will now refer to as... Junny, was dropped into the cell as the subject, Alex, slept. Smith awoke as soon as the hatch opened, get up on his legs, all smelling from poop and piss and began screaming and shouting to be released while also demanding to have Murkoff Dixmor's head for some reason, proving he is still delirious from cuckspiracy theorists. The bout of agitated screaming continued for two hours and a half, long after the lid has been closed. Alex became exhausted from all the yelling, whining, crying and chremzhink that he fell onto Junny and slept on him. By this stage the subject was living in “day” cycles of about 8 hours and slept upon around 9 hours. Upon awaking the next time, he initiated an extensive and apparently heated discussion with the first corpse, which led to apparent mocking of Junny. Alex, in his delusions from being trapped in there so long, deprived of social needs and basic food, imagined the rotting corpus as a buddy and Junny as their potential victim of bullying. This form of behaviour has been widely reported in child psychology, akin to a bullying situation in high or middle school, basically social alliance by turning on a newcomer, just like how Eminem had it in his childhood. After 10 minutes of relentless bullying of Junny, which included giving him the Indian burns on arms, poking his freshly dead eyes, pissing on his head, throwing the first corpse against him and even puking over him, the subject began to open up Junny's belly and eat his guts, just like what happened with the first guy we threw in. Eventually he resorted to using one of the exposed tarsus bones from Junny foot to use it as a toothpick and he managed to clean his teeth quite well, for someone living in human faeces and having only a bone to clean.

The next hour, subject Alex sat on the floor so his head was against his knees and he began to defecate without concern and even sniffed the smell of his poo, contrasted to the restriction to a single corner that had been witnessed in the preceding week. Any insects that were found were consumed, whether were they crawling in his poop or piss or not, and the subject even ate flesh from both of the corpses without showing the earlier signs of distress and then he washed it down with his urine he carefully licked off the floor, making sure not to eat some parts of his poop as well, accidentally.

The subject then did a headstand on one half of the wall and had no care if he had his head into his own poop. The details of what he is mumbling while in this position cannot be made due to the mumbling being in state of whispers, but what we could make out of it was the word "Jesus", apparently assuming Alex has fallen into a religious dilemma. The subject then uses his own faeces to make some marks on the wall and writes "DIE!" on the wall. He then uses what blood is left in the first corpse to write on the wall "BEER", implying there is still some love for alcohol left in him. It is supposed that no matter how tough life is for him, including this situation, his thinking of alcohol is never too far behind. This is not good. The experiment MUSTN'T fail!

The subject has not been observed eating from anymore for an entire day the next day, only sitting against the wall, mumbling things and scratching his own hair out of his head before yelling for whisky and falling onto the ground, sleeping. These are not the results Miss Peppercorn hoped for. This will not end well...

On the second day of week 7, the subject was witnessed striking the wall with his sith-ensnared fist and then yelling around that he "has" the "power!". After only two minutes of striking the wall, the subject fell asleep again, this time with his head in his own poop. Interestingly, he didn't choke on it, despite sleeping directly in it and when he woke up, he once again yelled some cuckspiracies concerning the Freemasons and used Junny as a sleeping bag. Seriously, Alex opened up his belly, literally crawling through it and then he laid into his guts to sleep, similar to that snow scene in Star Wars. Perhaps the most creepy thing was the fact that Alex smiled while sleeping, with poop still smeared to his face.

"The fuak is going on!?? Why does it look like the experiment is failing!?? Why is he smiling and still thinking of beer or whiskey!??!"-Abby yells at Takenberry after seeing the cameras.

"We don't know really, Miss, but perhaps he has... come to term with his condition and smiles because of it. This experiment is also not memory-wiping, so he still remembers alcohol indeed."-Takenberry replies.

