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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Pepe the Frog, is property of Demon Redwood.

Pepe the Frog
Biographical information
Nationality Redneck flag American
Status Alive
Physical description
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Enemies Lili Cornet, Richard Dawkins, Stella, Stephy, black people, the LGBT's, Jewish people, The Project, disabled people, Randy the Chipmunk
Occupation(s) Alt-Right activist, gambler, sithposter, Reddit user
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information

Pepe the Frog is a green anthropomorphic frog with a humanoid body he got via a spell. Pepe originated in a 2005 comic by Matt Furie called Boy's Club which is a fascist clan of animals who all worship Olaf Tutchenko and his Aryan minions. It became an Internet meme when its popularity steadily grew across Myspace, Gaia Online, Twitter and 4chan in 2008 although back then it weren't used for political purposes, especially not those of alt-right. By 2015, it had become one of the most popular memes used on 4chan and feminist Tumblr. Different types of Pepes include "Sad Frog", "Smug Frog", "Angry Pepe", "Feels Frog", "Aryan Pepe" "Communist Pepe" and "Auschwitz Pepe" started to originate on the internet. On all platforms, even Windows 3.1. Since 2014, "Rare Pepes" have been posted on the "meme market" as if they were trading cards, used mostly by basement-dwelling neo-nazis.


Pepe was born into an upper middle class family from Silsbee, Texas. His parents, civil servants, worked at the Federal Data Processing Service, having been stationed at the Presidency's office. Away from their jobs due to psychiatric problems and being locked in an animal loony bin, they left the green child to be raised by his maternal grandmother, who was a Nazi sympathiser and used to work in Bill Borlinghathen's mansion, the politician who supported the Nazi Germany, unlike FDR. In 25 years of living in the rotten city filled with pornographic stores, western-styled saloons, gambling casinos (which Pepe frequented) and anarchist shops along with neo-nazi markets, Pepe has lived in some of the most wretched distopias in America, filled with all types of political ideologies, scumbags, all types of religions, and smokestacks. Perhaps this environment led to his cold and beta-like attitude with hatred for black people and aliens. In his school years, he had joined a group of friends made up of Andy, Brett and Landwolf who all worshiped Roman emperors and were also neo-nazis.

Personality and Traits[]

Pepe is edgy, sarcastic, sadistic, weird, probably autistic and fascist-styled frog, but intelligent at the same time. He is a virgin and hates being one, but lies that virginity is what makes a man superior and claims to like his beta or omega male status as on the internet, he bashes everyone as being "cucks", "race traitors", "brutes", "chad mofos" along with calling them racist, sexist and homophobic remarks. This could be due to bad influence he got from his grandmother, the city, or/and friends he hangs out with, who are all misogynistic incels. Pepe's computer is full of stuff like; racism, Nazi and Mussolini propagandas, Borlinghathen worship, Anonymous, big-tiddy porn, anime, Virgin VS Chad memes (where Virgin is the good guy), 4chan, console wars, hatred for leftism (although he supported anarchism on numerous websites) and literal chaos. Pepe doesn't like "normies" and unfunny Websites. He is also a chat-buddy with Moonman, Stinky, Xiaoyu Mishima and Patrick Granger while he has flame wars with Stella Perrson, Carl Degrasse Dawkins, Stephy, Lili Cornet and Richard Dawkins.


  • Pepe supported Frank Kenson and voted for him to win the 2016 USA Presidential elections and was even his main campaign symbol. However, Hillary banned him sometime after Frank became President for which him and the Alt-Right threw temper tantrums all around.
  • He is a big fan of the Johnny Rebel music, like the Bloodhunts.
  • Pepe always has a mischievous grin on his face, possibly because he’s proud of and happy about the racist, sexist, ableist, anti-semitic and anti-LGBT comments he makes on the internet. However, he is severly depressed deep down inside.
  • He is the mascot of the website called Gab.
  • He did not support the resurrection at Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement in Hong Kong. Whatever that is.
  • He is the leader of a country called Kekistan which is at war with a country that’s a bit more of a democracy called Cuckistan.