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This article, Pepe Costa, is property of Billy cougar.

Pepe Costa
Pepe Costa
Biographical information
Real name Antonio Gigino "Pepe" La Nostra Costa
Also known as Pep, Pepy, Cos, slave, spy, fag, kunt, fagola, girl
Nationality Italian flag Italian
Born 20th of June, 1939
Died 2nd of November, 1982
Age 43
Status Deceased
Birthplace Bari, Italy, Europe
Cause of death/incarceration Skull mauled with a baseball bat by Carmine Falcone
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian European
Height 5'8
Weight 96kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Vinci Family, Leone Galante, Vito Corleone, Leone's Prison Gang
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Spy, gangster, inmate, umbrella holder, biatch, butler
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Mafia II
Voiced by (English) John Cygan

Pepe Costa was Frank Vinci's bodyguard, and later Lion Galante's butler, bodyguard, and bottom bish.


Pepe Costa aka "cowardly fagola", was born in Bari in 1939, and was a member of the Vinci Family. He is in the Leo's shadows at all times. He is also affiliated with Derek Barrel and Stephena Cojonez.

Pepe has been jailed numerous times for robbery with violence and coercion of material witnesses.

He is known to be unreasonable, and only able to perform one task at a time, as he is very weak and is an "girl". He's also an alcoholic, in prison, he became Galante's butler but one of his best fighters, along with Vito Corleone when he joined Leone's Prison Gang.

Pepe was scheduled for a fight with Brian O'Neil, but the Irish's beat up Pepe quite brutally, leaving Vito to kill off Brian. He was present when Vito and Joe were been made along with other Vinci key figures.


  • His prison number is 13326.
  • In prison he was charged with armed robbery and manslaughter, despite being a weak sissy.
  • According to the Frankie Potts files, he is a pervert and child molester and also a clopper and rapist.
  • He was very brutally killed in 1982 by Carmine Falcone after he caught Pepe raping and abusing his girlfriend Connie McTavish around.