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Made up Characters Wiki
PeePeePooPoo sithing and peeing in the Room of sith and piece
Biographical information
Also known as CaccaPipì, PPpupu, poopoopeepee, Pee guy, Poopy Guy, Poo', Goo
Nationality Poop worldian
Age 69421
Status Alive
Birthplace Shitn'pissland, quadrant 69, Sota
Physical description
Ethnicity Royal Purity of Poo
Height 20 meters
Weight 0kg
Blood type Pee
Gender Undefined
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Poop King, Morshu, CEO of Racism
Enemies Elder Gods
Occupation(s) Master PissPooper, Vice-CEO of racism, Poop general
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
"Hey yo, PeePeePooPoo check it!"
— PeePeePooPoo's battle shout

PeePeePooPoo is a Shitn'pissling and a Poop worldian born in 20XX from Poop King and Piss Lady.

He is a former member of the Poop n' Piss Army and he has over 3,000 confirmed siths and over 1,500 confirmed Pisses.


PeePeePooPoo was born from the Poop King and the Piss Lady thousands of years ago during a period of high crisis for the Sith n' Piss Kingdom as Bith Lard has made his presence known. His birth donated hope to the Shitn'pisslings, a hope for the resurrection of Shitn'pissland's ancient greatness before the Lard took it and threw into some containers on Earth, which were then taken by The Trash Man.

But nobody gave a sith about them even when they were the greatest planet in the multiverse, so PeePeePooPoo said "fuak off" and declared war to the Multiverse Federation which lasted for ages until the Lard's Accords kicked in.

The Poop War[]

The Federation was extremely strong since they had the Gods on their side, led by Zeus and Gait but PeePeePooPoo's Supreme Sith Wand he had from his father was too much even for them, so every planet of the Multiverse Federation got covered in sith and piss, making PeePeePooPoo the strongest God ever seen (non-canon).

Hibernation and encounter with Morshu[]

After the Poop War, every planet of the Federation came back to normal like anything has ever happened, but their power was sucked out and put into PeePeePooPoo's body. PeePeePooPoo's desire was to make everyone and everything sith, piss and cum only by seeing his beautiful form. To achieve this, he had to train himself in the Room of Sith and Piss, a room where whoever enters will be hibernated and trained to shit and piss by a strange force, similar to the Globgloglabgalab's force. Thousands of years later, PeePeePooPoo finally completed his training and could exit from the Room, but he found himself in a completely different place from the Sith Palace and planet, his gorgeous residence: he was on Orinion, more precisely next to Morshu's commie shop. The two made a great friendship and tested their powers on each other. PeePeePooPoo tested his PSC (piss, sith and cum)'s will on Morshu's fat body, making him pissing, shitting and cumming uncontrollably, and Morshu tested his shotgun on PeePeePooPoo; but they both couldn't die so they ended up destroying a fucking mountain instead and blewed up Gannon, whomst was trapped in a book.

PSC's Will[]

PeePeePooPoo had a battle shout, named PSC's Will: Hey yo, PeePeePooPoo check!. This battle shout could make everyone and everything piss, shit and cum all at the same time, it was an ancient battle cry of his race. PeePeePooPoo, with the help of Morshu, used a massive megaphone to make his battle shout reach every corner of the multiverse, causing so much shit, piss and cum that Queen Almeida had to reset the timeline again in order to make things go back to normal.


  • PeePeePooPoo is the owner of the Racism Orb, a powerful artefact capable of killing any minority. This artifact gave him the title of "Vice-CEO of Racism" and he formed an alliance with the CEO of Racism.
  • People say that PeePeePooPoo, Morshu and Ling had hardcore gay sex together, but actually they just got each other naked and laughed.