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This article, Patrick O'Donnell, is property of Billy cougar.

Patrick O'Donnell
Patrick O'Donnell
Biographical information
Real name Patrick Seymour Kenneth O'Donnell
Also known as Pat, Don, Boss, Al O'Donnell, Irish idiot, Patty
Nationality Irish flag Irish
Age 45
Status Deceased
Birthplace Kilkenny, Ireland
Deathplace Mid Town, France City
Cause of death/incarceration Thrown off the roof by Freaky Willy
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity White
Height 5'10
Weight 72kg
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) O'Donnell Family, Belloq Gang
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Don, crime boss
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather: Control of France City
Voiced by (English) Chris Robson
"Oh no! It's one of them! Kill him!"
— Patrick after seeing a Corleone

Patrick O'Donnell was an Irish mobster and boss of the O'Donnell Mob of Belfast. In 2012, he attempted to move the organizaton's operations into Mid Town in France City in addition to the gang's territory of Belfast, but died shortly after, falling from the Savannah Hotel.


O'Donnell came from Dublin, Ireland, to France in 2012, while his paternal ancestor Cillian O'Ryan came with his family in Belfast in 1945. O'Donnell was raised in Belfast, which had a high American, British, and Scottish population. He was involved in the illegal gun running trade and was recruited by Emilio Belloq as a link to the Old Town territory, and later became a Don of his own gang, and recruited two Scaleri Brothers into his crime family.

In 2012, he started making plans for a move to France City, with the Scaleri brothers assisting in this plan after their release from jail. He arrived first and set up shop at the Savannah Hotel, extorting David Russell and owning the rooftops of the hotel as a base, hanging out at his penthouse room with several prostitutes that he hired.


"You Sicilian and American priks are all the same: All talk and no balls!"
— O'Donnell to Willy
"You greaseball son of a biatch!"
— O'Donnell's last words
— O'Donnell while falling


O'Donnell died when he fell from the rooftop of the Savannah Hotel, with newspapers speculating that he slipped or was depressed and committed suicide. However, a more-popularised story involves a mobster from one of the five families, specifically the Corleone Family, whose Underboss Freaky Willy was suspected but never charged with his murder. There is a theory that says that the Tattaglias bribed the newspapers with help from Norm Felichelli's front "Grand News", which is also likely.

