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This article, Patrick Granger, is property of Billy cougar.

Patrick Granger
Biographical information
Real name Patrick Ludwig Corbin Edward Granger
Also known as Pat, Patti, Patty, Ludwig, Lud, Beethoven, clever punk, Mr. Granger
Nationality England flag800px-Flag of Germany svg British-German
Age 21
Status Dead, not big soup rice
Birthplace Liverpool, England, United Kingdom, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian-Aryan-Anglo
Height 5’6" (168 cm)
Weight 147 lbs (67 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Williams' Gang, Mr. Hill, Mr. Rickson, Mr. Pearson, Colton Williams, Lara, Twilight
Enemies Mandy Wiles, Lola Lombardi, Pinky Gauthier, Peter Kowalski, Nerds, Jimmy Hopkins, a bunch of more people on the school, Kim Jing Wei
Occupation(s) Student at Dixmor Academy
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully 2
Voiced by (English) ?
"I wish killing human trash was legal."
— Granger

Patrick Granger is a new student at Dixmor Academy from Bully 2. He is a sociopath, a lot worse than Gary Smith, and is probably the most insane member of Williams' Gang and is a very narcissistic nihilist. Well, at least he was until he was murdered in a school attack. He is mean to basically everyone on the entire school, even to jerks like Mandy Wiles, except to Twilight or Lara. His favourite method of torturing kids on the school is by shoving them violently into lockers, locking them in and then throwing the keys down the toilets. The kids he shoves into the lockers can stay trapped there even for days until Goro Luntz hears their cries and lets them out with his own keys. When they get out of the lockers, all starved and depressed, they don't even dare in their dreams to tell the faculty members or their own parents as well since their fear of Williams' boys. They would be in the deepest sith if they told some teacher on Williams' gang payroll, like Mr. Hill or Mr. Pearson who would only laugh in their faces (aka faeces) and wish them a swift death. Granger also liked to throw trash unto their clothes during the gym class when they undressed.

Many people even compared Granger's wickedness to be exactly the same as that of Colton Williams. Pat is of British, German and maybe even French descent and is his middle name was given after Ludwig van Beethoven.

His report cards and files of former schools he attended show him as being an egoistical, emotionless, and apathetic student who shows no mercy to anyone at all, and though his IQ tests show him to have an intelligence slightly above average, he is described as "one of the cleverest punks on the school", however, that might only be due to his intimidation and blackmail tactics. How smart Patrick really is though, is a mystery, but some faculty on the school, like Alexandra McRae, claimed that he was not particularly bright.

He politically identifies as an anarchist and oddly as it sounds, he supported Brandon in the 20 AH elections, but only due to his hatred for rich people, like Frank Kenson.

One day, when Lola Lombardi was blowing a bubble with her gum, Patrick Granger used a needle to pop it and it got all over her face and some it was even in her hair. He has also done the same to Pinky Gauthier and the exact same results happened. He pointed and laughed as they had big wads of gum on their faces and then punched a nearby nerd onto the ground for no reason at all. What makes Patrick Granger very dangerous is that being angry was the best even THEY could do about it.

Apart from torturing other students at the school, there's been times where he has killed or spray-painted birds and squirrels, threw rocks at dogs and cats, and senselessly smashed frogs and lizards with his foot all because he was "bored" and "felt like it". He also likes to put remains of dead animals in the lockers of the bullied kids so they can get infected. He wants them to get rabies. Sometimes he gives them out or in as gifts for Lara or Twilight, with the former accepting them rather than the latter.

It may be that he bullied a Chinese student Kim Jing Wei a lot like the rest of the gang, as he didn't survive her wrath as he was killed in the cafeteria during the Dixmor Academy massacre, however he could also really be killed for being at the wrong place at the wrong time. According to a survivor in the cafeteria (the student preferred to stay anonymous), Patrick cried like "a little biatch" when Kim killed him.

Bullied victims[]


  • Patrick Granger was portrayed by one of the bullies' actors from IT (2017).