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This article, Parker Ogilvie, is property of Billy cougar.

Parker Ogilvie
Parker Ogilvie
Biographical information
Real name Parker Oliver Ogilvie
Also known as Parker, Parkır, Park, Mr. Ogilvie, Parkelj, Parkl, Parr, rich guy
Nationality German-American American (with German ancestry)
Born 23rd of September, 1990
Age 32
Status Alive
Birthplace Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'10" (178 cm)
Weight 161 lbs (73 kg)
Blood type B+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Preppies, Derby Harrington
Enemies Poor folk, Jimmy Hopkins (former), greaseballs
Occupation(s) School student (former), unknown, possibly an assistant of his father at Everest Manufacturing Corp.
Notable family members Unnamed sister, Herman Oglivie (father), unnamed mother
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Cory Anker
"Well, crumpets before strumpets, I always say. Still, a man's got to do what a man's got to do! He has to..."
— Ogilvie

Parker Oliver Ogilvie is a minor character in Bully, and is a member of the Preppies gang at the Dixmor Academy.

Role in Game[]

Parker's first mission appearance is during Halloween, where he dresses up as Count Orlok and asks Jimmy Hopkins to throw itching powder at people so he can have a good laugh.

He makes regular appearances during chapters 2 and 3. He is Jimmy's final opponent during the "Prep Challenge" at Preps' WWE Gym. His most notable speaking line is at the end of chapter 2, where he is the one who informs Derby Harrington that Jimmy (that poor kid) had just defeated Bif Taylor in a boxing match and thus is the new champion. In the mission "Weed Killer", he has a conversation with Gord Vendome, and opines that it isn't fair that Gord's father is going to make him work during the summer, describing Gord's father as a "bastard". However, Gord points out that he wants to work at the hotels.

Parker also appears in the chapter 3 mission "Bait" where he shows up throwing firecrackers at Jimmy near the BMX park, trying to stop him before making any "upgrades" with his status. Before the mission "Tagging", he disappointingly and angrily yells at Jimmy "some leader you turned out to be" when Hopkins almost refused to save Gord from the Greasers.


"All good things must come to an end, Hopkins. Oh, yes, they do!"
— Ogilvie to Jimmy after their friendship ends
"That poor kid just beat up Bif! He is the new champion! Derby Harrington: WHAT!? Parker: He is the new champion!"
— Ogilvie reports to his master what has happened
"Why are girls so hard to understand? I mean, I have money. Das something, right?"
— Parker on why he's single
"Tad and Gord will make fun of me if I keep liking her. Those bastards!"
— Ogilvie on what will happen if he keeps liking a certain girl
"Derby says not to mingle with the new kid as he's very low class. Plus Bif completely dominated his opponent. Not sexually, doe."
— Parker on his bosses, Derby and Bif
"Dr. Roberts is making Edward his right-hand, even though no one sucks up to him more than Danvers."
— Park on Roberts
"Ever been to New York? That's where everyone who matters goes, you know? Either that or it's California."
— Oglivie on where important people go
"My daddy can get you a job, y'know? Hell, perhaps you could even work at Everest Manufacturing Corp. My dad works there."
— Parkl on his daddi

Personality and traits[]

Of course being a Prep, Parker seems to be a relatively nice and decent person. He once gave the local hobo some cash, and still says he will keep giving it. He will actually compliment opposing dodgeball teams if they beat his team, and he even worries about his tendency to like people rather than look down on them. He does attack people in bad standing with the Preppies, but his attacking line is usually "Just run away!", showing some mercy to his opponent. After the issue where Jimmy Hopkins led Gord Vendome into a trap set by Johnny Vincent and his poor boys expands, Parker seems to be genuinely disappointed with him, rather than annoyed and angry like Derby Harrington was. However, he could've still been all that stuff.

Parker does somewhat appear to believe that being rich entitles him. For this reason he wonders why he can't buy friends. He is similarly inept with girls; he wants a girlfriend but doesn't seem to understand how girls work and look, and has had no luck with them. Not all of them are after the mula.

He has a sister, who is mentioned by him but does not appear on his school and it is possible he once shagged her when their parents were out.


  • Parker is one of the few people who live very well in Kenson's Dictatorship, mostly due to the fact that his father is a member of the President Kenson's Republican Party.
  • His report card grades, as sometimes seen, are the following:
    • Art: A+
    • Science: A
    • English: A+
    • History: A+
    • Math: A
    • Biology: A
    • Chemistry: A+
    • Geography: A
    • Music: A
    • Photography: A+
    • Shop: A
    • Home Economics: A
    • Gym: B+

