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This article, Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn 3 - Rap Battle 29, is property of Billy cougar.

Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn
Olaf old-ass picVsShao in Hell
Biographical information
Nationality 800px-Flag of Germany svg German (Olaf), Outworld kamidogu He is from Outworld (Shao Kahn)
Born 26th of April, 1907
Age 51 (Olaf), 816 (Shao Kahn)
Status Deceased (Olaf), Alive (Shao Kahn)
Physical description
Eye colour Blue (Olaf), orange (Shao Kahn)
Hair colour Blond (Olaf), none (Shao Kahn)
Height 5'11 (Olaf), 7'1 (Shao Kahn)
Weight 64kg (Olaf), 181kg (Shao Kahn)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Nazi Ultranationalists, Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler, Shinnok, German Army, Dixmor Project (Olaf), Kahn's Army, Shang Tsung, Sektor, Sindel, Reiko, Mileena, Kintaro, Goro, Baraka (Shao Kahn)
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) World of War: Revenge, World of War: Global Warfare (Olaf), Mortal Kombat II, Mortal Kombat III, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (cameo), Mortal Kombat: Return of The Dragon King; Konquest (bonus), Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe, Mortal Kombat X (mentioned)
Voiced by (English) Wolf Kahler, EpicLloyd (Olaf), Nice Peter, Bob Carter, Frank Welker, Nightmare Cinemas, Steve Ritchie, Arnold Schwarzenegger (Shao Kahn)

Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn 3 is the twenty-ninth instalment of EERB and is the first episode of season 3. It again features former Emperor of OutworldShao Kahn, rapping against Nazi leader and German dictator, Olaf Tutchenko, for the third and final time. It was released on October 7th, 2013.

This battle is the third and final instalment of the Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn trilogy, following Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn - Rap Battle 2 and Olaf Tutchenko VS Shao Kahn 2 - Rap Battle 12.


Olaf (1st Verse):[]

Screw you, you big alien kunt!

I'll kick your balls and your face: A war on two fronts!

The Führer will crush the dark side, like a rap apartheid!

I put zee germ in zee Germany! I'm sick on zis mic!

I beat you twice, you sellout! Now you bow down to Mickey Mouse!

You call yourself a dak' lod'? You couldn't even conquer a space mountain!

You're just a sad, asthmatic alien freak who needs some lovin'!

Well, I baked you something; here, pop into my oven!

Shao Kahn (1st Verse):[]

Let me paint you a picture, son:

Portrait of a biatch after World War I!

You were stirring up the fears of the German people;

Telling the world that the aliens are evil!

You wrote a little book, got 'em fired up,

Had a Beer Hall Putsch, got 'em fired up,

When your bunker started getting fired up,

You put a gun in your soldier's mouth and fired up!

You dumb motherfawker, didn't Valirover let you know?

When you conquer Russia, better pack some fuacking winter clothes!

While you're fighting off Valkyrie,

I got a million tarkatans; they'd die for me!

My bounty hunters ride for me!

Yo homeboy, finish this rhyme for me!

(Sektor jumps in and starts his verse)

Sektor: They call me Sektor, yo! You wanna mess with me?

I'll put my balls in your mouth like boba tea!

I got a jet pack, yo; you know I steal the show!

'Cause when I rock a microphone—

(Sektor lets out a wild scream as he is shot off the screen by Tutchenko)

Olaf (2nd Verse):[]

Oh, sieg hell no!

You're not going to cheat me, mister sunglasses-all-the-time!

I'll take you and your new boyfriend Goofy and all your spermy Tarkatan guys!

I'll throw you into a butthole in the sand!

I am Olaf... (shoots Shao Kahn in the head, killing him) Tutchenko!

