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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Norton Williams, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Norton Williams
Nort Williams
Biographical information
Real name Norton Northrop Williams
Also known as Son of a cop, black greaser, Will, Nort
Nationality Afro-American flag African-American
Born 29 of October, 1988
Age 18 in (2006), now 35
Status Alive
Birthplace Chicago, Illonis, United States of America
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Afro-Caucasian
Height 6'3" (191 cm)
Weight 205 lbs (93 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Greasers, Johnny Vincent, Lola Lombardi
Enemies Preppies, Jimmy Hopkins
Occupation(s) Greasers Dixmor Academy biker student
Notable family members Officer Williams (father)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Adam Chandler-Berat

Norton Williams is a member of the greasers from the video game Bully. He is the son of Bullworth policeman Officer Williams, as well as a student of Dixmor Academy. He obviously has no relation to Colton Williams as they're different races, even though they have the same surname. He is also the only African-American greaser in the game while all the others are Italian-American. His middle name is Russell Northrop's last name. He is the only student to have his middle name be someone's last name.
