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This article, Norman Deek, is property of Billy cougar.

Norman Deek
Bill and Deek
Deek on right.
Biographical information
Real name Norman Deenson Deek
Also known as Mr. Deek, Dick, Norm, shield, Normal, Nory, Deeky, Dik, Bill's right hand, Bessie, My Shield
Nationality American-Norway flag Norwegian-American
Born ?, 1846/154 BH
Died 20th of April, 1889/111 BH (Hell, right on Hitler's BD)
Age 38
Status Grave Deceased
Birthplace Unknown, but probably Texas
Deathplace Thompson Town, Gaptooth Ride, Texas, United States of America
Cause of death/incarceration Accidentally shot by his allies
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2" (187 cm)
Weight 176 lbs (79 kg)
Blood type AB-
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) William Williamson, Williamson Gang, Rufus Bollard, Willie Bollard
Enemies Leg Johnson, John Marston, Jonah, Jack Marston
Occupation(s) Bandit, outlaw, former preacher, former dentist
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption (Part I, American West)
Portrayed by James Carroll
"Fear my ass."
— Deek's motto

Norman Deek is a supporting character and a minor villain featured in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition and Red Dead Redemption part I, American West.


Norman Deek is the second-in-command of the Williamson Gang, holed up at Fort Mercer.

In Revolver it is known Deek was en route to Gold Town with a holy bible in tow to set up a dental practice when his coach was attacked by outlaws, presumably Ike Scalding's boys. When they found out about his dental skills, Deek was taken to Ike's cabin to deal with his toothache. Deek discovered that he preferred the outlaw life to his former life as a man of the cloth and dental services.



Deek can be seen during the opening cutscene of the mission "Saloon Fight", where he sits at the same table as Willie Bollard and Abraham Mars. The player does not interact directly with Deek at any time, only as a target in the missions "Saloon" and "Bar Fight", where he is part of the fight and serves as the Bollard bros.' henchman.

American West[]

Deek is first encountered in the mission "Spare the Road, Spoil the Bandit", upon the hill with the rest of Williamson's boys, overlooking Mercer's Desert. He stands right near to his boss Williamson, holding a Winchester gun on John Marston and Marshal Leg Johnson's posse. Deek then leads the assault immediately after this encounter on Billy's order. Deek survives, having only minor wounds, and is arrested by Johnson.

He is also mentioned in "Robbin' and Other Fine Hobbies" by Seth Brains, who talks about Deek's dick.

Johnson intends to interrogate Deek and exploit him to assist Marston's planned assault on Fort Mercer. Several days after his capture, the Williamson gang kidnaps Boonie MacFarlane from Sand's Grass, and they hold her under threat of rape and execution. A Williamson gang member rides to Silver Town to deliver the ultimatum to Johnson, initiating the mission "Hanging Boonie MacFarlane".

Johnson pragmatically accepts the exchange, Jonah carrying a restrained Deek over his shoulder and smelling his as to Thompson Town alongside Marston, Eli and Johnson. The gang members, awaiting their arrival, ambush them during the exchange. Ironically, Deek is promptly killed by his own gang which he swore by in the crossfire, as they never really gave an ounce of crap about him. His death is announced in the Gold Town Newspaper and the Silver Newspaper, which notes his age at time of death as 38 and talks about his former life as a priest, before becoming an outlaw.


"I'm sure it's been nice for the boys to have a whore to play with. I hear those rancher girls like it in the rear. Maybe she won't wanna go home, she's been fahed so good. Only a coward hides behind a badge!"
— Deek referring to Bonnie MacFarlane and her abduction and dismissing Johnson
"You wait, Marshal. I'll be back for you!"
— Norman to Leg Johnson
"We already filled you with lead once, you ugly bastard."
— Norman to Johnny
"I can't wait for you to meet the boys. Stop spurrin' so hard, dammnit! You are a la faggit."
— Norman to Johnson
"It'd be my pleasure."
— Norman to Marston after the latter said he'll use Norm as a shield
"What you waiting for? Untie me fellas!"
— Deek's last words
"Haha, carrots for lunch!"
— Deek during the bar fight in Gold Town
"Fah... you..."
— Norman's first words in the game

