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This article, Nina Stracci, is property of Billy cougar.

Nina Stracci
Biographical information
Real name Nina Alexandra Patricia Stracci
Also known as Woman, Stracci's wife, Miss Nina
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 7th of March, 1973/37 BH
Died 31st of May, 2010/10 AH
Age 37 (looked older in the movie)
Status Deceased
Birthplace Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Blue, green (in movie)
Hair colour Red, white (in movie)
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'6
Weight 49 kg
Blood type B+
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stracci Family, her girls
Enemies None, probably Richie Pisano
Notable family members William Stracci (husband), Diego Stracci (cousin-in-law), Donato Stracci (cousin in-law), Salvatore Stracci (son), Carmine Stracci (son), Wendy Corduroy (adopted daughter),Pinkie Pie (adopted daughter), Dario Stracci (brother-in-law)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Anni Long
"Sure thing, honey."
— Nina before marrying William

Nina Stracci was wife of Don William Stracci and was very loyal to the Stracci Family. She is a minor obstacle in The Godfather Game.


A former model and owner of the club fronted by Orchid Incorporated, Nina had very real loyalty to the Stracci family who she worked for and was killed by a bomb put in her car by the Corleone trusted soldier, Richie during their move on Mid Town. Nina attempted to move into a more tasteful line of work, converting the back room into a massage parlour.

In 2011 (a year after Nina's death), Moe Green visited France in order to smooth over several business deals. While he visited Orchid Incorporated for a massage, a Corleone mobster immediately contacted Pete Clemenza, who sent Charlie Trapani to eliminate Green, who was getting his back rubbed by Tyler Rocca.

