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This article, Nicholas Klaus, is property of Billy cougar.

Nicholas Klaus
Klaus gettin' choked
Biographical information
Real name Nicholas Elimeleh Klaus
Also known as Klaus, Nicholas, Nick, Cuneo Assassin, Nicky
Nationality Izreal fag Israeli
Born 30th of August, 1971
Died 5th of September, 2011
Age 40
Status Deceased
Birthplace Tel-Aviv, Israel, Middle East
Cause of death/incarceration Beaten to death by Charlie Trapani and Jack Kennedy
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Ashkenazi Jewish
Height 5'10
Weight 79kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Cuneo Family
Enemies Corleone Family, Charlie Trapani, Kennedy
Occupation(s) Cuneo assassin, businessman
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Rod Gnapp
"I'll pop your eyes out and piss in the sockets!"
— Klaus to Charlie

Nicholas Klaus was a Jewish business partner of Phillip Cuneo who was also an assassin for the Cuneo Family. Klaus was originally from Israel, but lied that he's from New York, America. In 2010 when the Five Families Mob War broke out, he was paid in cash for killing several Corleone mobsters by Cuneo family.


Klaus was born in a village in Tel-Aviv, Israel, to Harold Klaus and Kopkeita Klaus. He was raised as a killer in the time of peace, but when him and his family moved to France in 2003, he was hired as an assassin for the Cuneos. Klaus bought a home on New Town, where he lived and managed the Costa Regime's operations as a bookie.


Klaus was an important assassin, so Marco Cuneo made sure that he would have the best security guards around, but Corleone Family Underboss Charlie Trapani managed to kill these men at a celebration in 2011 and beat up Klaus to death with his bare hands, with some help from the bribed police officer, Jack Kennedy. A shootout left five guards and many of the girls dead in the small driveway and lawn. Klaus' murder was a part of the Corleone strategy to weaken the link between Old Town and New Town in France City.

