This article, Natalia Draganova, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.
Natalia Draganova (born June 24, 1984) is a Russian demigod from St. Petersburg. She has black hair and dark brown eyes. Her older brother is Milan Draganov, her father is the Greek god Hades, and her mother was a Russian mortal named Marina (1958-1986). Her younger cousins include Bianca and Roman D'Angelo (children of Zeus) and Perry Johnston (son of Poseidon). Even though her mother was killed by Zeus with Poseidon's help, she is more trusting of her younger cousins than Milan is. Unlike Milan, she knows they had nothing to do with their mother's death. Perry also prefers her over Milan. Natalia is fluent in English, Russian, Greek, and Italian. Additionally, she can also speak the language of wolves, foxes, cats, bats, ravens, Cerberus the three-headed dog, and Hydra the eight-headed dragon. Those animals are her particular eight favourites, similarly to how Perry, being the son of Poseidon, likes sea creatures a lot.