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March 13, 2007




  • Franz Joseph Haydn
  • Franz Schubert
  • Ludwig van Beethoven
  • George Frideric Handel
  • Johannes Brahms
  • Robert Schumann




Lullaby Classics Volume 2



Baby's First Moves


Discovering Shapes

My First Signs is the 23rd Baby Einstein video in the series. The video, along with Baby Wordsworth , Baby Galileo and Baby's Favorite Places, is about American Sign Language. It is the sixth language episode from the series and features simple words in American Sign Language.

Physcial Description[]

As babies grow, their eye-hand coordination begins to improve as their ability to interact with their surroundings blossoms. It's the perfect time for My First Signs, a playful introduction to 20 common words and phrases from baby's world - including "mommy", "daddy" and "I love you" - both spoken and in sign language.

Join special guest Marlee Matlin as she demonstrates this exciting way for babies to express themselves even before they've mastered verbal communication.

Featuring fun puppet shows, real-world images and beautiful classical music, this delightful program presents fun ways for you and your baby to interact on a whole new level!

Video Guide[]


  • Marlee says "First Signs" and Otter appears. (Otter is bigger in both 2009 modes)
  • Symphony No. 97 in C Major, Hob I/97, IV. Finale: Presto assai, Haydn: Opening titles, Danik signs eat, baby girl being fed by her mother with a spoon, Lauren signs ball, girl with ball, Colin signs mommy, mom grabs her baby out of crib, Danik signs daddy, daddy and baby, Colin signs sleep, father putting baby in a crib, baby boy sleeping
  • Duck tries to see someone but he's looking in the wrong direction. (in black) (2009 Grow with Me only)
  • Two of Us (in white)


  • Otter kisses and shows a picture of his otter family
  • Family Title Card
  • Marlee signs kiss, mommy, daddy, and baby.
  • Piano Sonata No. 13 in A Major, Opus. 120, D. 664, III. Finale: Allegro, Schubert: Baby: baby boy playing with his legs, baby girl shows up, Camilla learns to sign baby with Lauren Taylor, Rhiannon with All About Baby: Hold on, Baby! & All About Baby: Cozy Cradle (in white), A Baby with a Rattle by Alexandra Day, Melika and Addison sign baby, Father holds a baby, baby laughing, Daddy: daddy father giving her daughter a piggyback ride, Father playing with baby, Enos signs daddy with Antonio, Father and Son by Brian Karas, Father kisses a sleeping baby outside, Mother & Baby Dog (in white), Colin signs daddy, girl runs around in a circle while her father holds her hand, Mommy: mother kisses her baby daughter, Mother with baby in a rocking chair, Lauren learns to sign mommy with Virginia, Mother holding her baby by Nadia Richie, Mother holds her daughter / kisses, Danik signs mommy, Wooden Ducks (in white), Kiss: mother & daughter kisses each other, son kisses his father, Enos signs kiss with Antonio, Julia Payne and her Son Ivan by Gari Melchers, mother kisses her daughter while she was sleeping, mother kisses her sons hand, Lauren signs kiss, Zahara with Animal Alley 43" Darby Dog (in white), daughter kisses her grandmother, Rhiannon with Baby Stella Doll w/Bassinet (in white)
  • Otter kisses Squirt The Pig, who is covered in bandages.
  • Noah signing kiss, Enos signing mommy, Melika signing daddy, and Camilla signing baby
  • Baby Otter cries, but then Mommy Otter kisses him (in black) (2009 Grow with Me only)
  • Convoi Stack & Pull Toy (in black)
  • Otter kisses Marlee, who signs "I Love You".

Meal Time[]

  • Mommy Otter feeds some vanilla ice cream to Baby Otter using the regular spoon but three attempts are not working. So instead, Mama Otter uses the Blue Baby Plane Spoon as a final attempt.
  • Meal Time Title Card
  • Marlee signs milk, cereal, eat, and drink.
  • Serenade for Flute, Violin and Viola in D Major, Op. 25, I. Entrata - Allegro, Beethoven: Drink: girl drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows, woman drinking water, Lauren learns to sign drink with Virginia, Afternoon Tea by Isidore Verheyden, Calvin drinking water (in white), Colin signs drink, Drew drinking water (in white), girl drinking juice, Eat: baby girl being fed by her mother with a spoon, girls eating watermelon, Camilla learns to sign eat with Lauren Taylor, Favorite Fruits by Joseph Clark, Drew shares his crackers with Calvin, Daniela and Kiya signs eat, father feeds his baby daughter a piece of bread, Cereal: cereal and milk falling into the bowl, father feeds baby girl oatmeal, Enos signs cereal with Antonio, Bowl of Oatmeal by Vincent McIndoe, baby boy feeds himself oatmeal, Lauren signs cereal, Riley plays with cereal Milk: milk being poured into a glass cup, woman drinking milk, Antonio signs milk with Addison, Still Life with a Carafe of Milk by Henri-Horace Roland Delaporte, father feeding his son milk, Lauren signs milk, First Friends: Cow and Milk Carton (in black)
  • Otter and Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) have cereal. Duck eats some little bits of the cereal. He then eats the cereal fast, sounding like a jackhammer, causing the Otter to fall down.
  • Melika signing milk Noah signing cereal, Daniela signing eat, and Enos signing drink
  • Baby Otter and Daddy Otter Drink Milk (in black) (2009 Grow with Me only)
  • Dream Journey (in white)
  • Otter gives Marlee cereal. Marlee signs "More", so Otter gives her some more cereal.
  • Messiah Part II, HWV 56, All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray, Handel: baby kisses mommy and hugs


  • Otter plays tag with Mommy Duck.
  • Play Title Card
  • Marlee signs play, help, friend, and ball.
  • Piano Trio No. 39 in G Major, "Gypsy", Hob. XV/25, III. Rondo, Haydn: Ball: girl runs up then kicks the ball while her mother was watching, Drew plays with plush basketball from Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set, Antonio signs ball with Enos, Baby with Ball from Baby's Year Book by Meta Morris Grimball, Rhiannon plays with baseball from Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set, Lauren signs ball, Zahara with Ball Track Roll 'n Roll 'n Roll (in white), Friend: Ben and Keanu hugging each other, Alana and her friend smiling with cats, Camilla signs friend with Lauren Taylor, Friendship by Liz Trueblood, girls hugging each other, Whoops-oops (in white), Lauren signs friend to Danik while he was drawing, children swaying back and forth, Help: father helps his daughter to get down from the tree [footage reused from Baby Wordsworth], mother helps her daughter to write, Antonio signs help with Enos, First Steps by Daniel Clarke, Rhiannon and Calvin with Stacking Rings (in white), Danik signs help, mother helps her baby son walk to his father, Play: kids playing in leaf pile, baby plays with Stacking Cups with his mother, Camilla signs play with Lauren Taylor, Make Believe by Victor Gilbert, baby boy plays with Plastic Dump Truck with his mother, Enos signs play, boys blowing bubbles with their grandmother, Corrine and Zahara playing with bubbles
  • Otter lifts Foam Blocks on his nose, until he sneezes them off.
  • Daniela signing play Ashanti signing help, Melika signing friend, and Noah signing ball
  • Baby Otter with Otter throws a ball up high until all of the balls fall down (in black) (2009 Grow with Me only)
  • Dwarfs' Treasure Savings Box (in white)
  • Otter runs by Marlee who signs "Stop" and "Go".


  • Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, "Brahms' Lullaby", Brahms: Mommy Duck reads a book to Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version). She then notices her other duck child sleeping on the other side on the bed.
  • Bedtime Title Card
  • Marlee signs sleep, bath, story, and blanket.
  • Album fur die Jugend, Op. 68, No. 1 - I. Melodie, Schumann: Blanket: Rhiannon grabs Calvin's blanket, baby boy wrapped around his yellow blanket on bed, Camilla learns to sign blanket with Lauren Taylor, Visions of Sugar Plums by Konstantin Rodko, two kids under a blanket, Colin signs blanket, Riley plays his blanket, Story: grandfather tells his grandson a story while he played with a space shuttle, teacher telling a story about planets and stars to the children [footage reused from Baby's Favorite Places], Antonio signs story with Enos, Little Women by Jessie Wilcox Smith, father reading a bedtime story to his son, Lauren signs story, Mother & Baby Elephant with Sweet Dreams, Mimi Book (in white), Bath: mother bathing her baby while he was playing in the sink, Corrine with You and Me Bathtub (in white), Lauren signs bath with Virginia, mother giving her son a bath in the sink, The Morning Bath by Boris Kustodiev, Danik signs bath, mother drying her son with a towel, Sleep: baby boy sleeping in crib, father putting a blanket on his son then kisses, Antonio sign sleep with Enos, A Goodnight Story by George Kilburne, baby girl sleeps with her mother, Colin signs sleep, The Original Slumber Bear (in black)
  • Mommy Otter tucks Baby Otter in his bed and Duck (PlaySoup) (1st Version) makes three terrible noises by blowing a kazoo, shaking a tambourine, and ringing a triangle to make Baby Otter wake up. Mommy Otter shushes him, but Baby Otter wakes up anyway.
  • Noah signing sleep, Ashanti signing bath, Enos signing story, and Daniela signing blanket
  • Otter finds out who's in the blanket, but Baby Otter was in the blanket (in black) (2009 Grow with Me only)
  • Big Voyage (in white)
  • Otter has a Pinwheel and Marlee sees the toy and blows it.


  • Waldszenen, Op. 82, No. 1 - I. Entritt, Schumann: baby boy playing with his legs, Daniela and Kiya signs baby, baby wearing a coat & pink hat in garden, First Friends: Boy & Girl and First Friends: Baby (in white), Danik signs milk, father feeding his son milk, Corrine with Baby on All About Baby: Baby's Mealtime High Chair (in white), Colin and Camilla signs friend, boy and girl dressed in swimsuits, Mother Hippo with Mother Elephant and Mother Dog (in white), Calvin with Baby Stella (in white), Enos signs play, boys blowing bubbles with their grandmother, Gabriel with Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set (in white), kids playing in leaves, Lauren signs bath, baby in bath, two babies in bath, Daniela and Kiya signs blanket, baby hiding behind the blanket, baby boy wrapped around his yellow blanket on bed, Virginia and Lauren signs kiss, mom kisses the girl, dad and mom kisses the baby
  • Symphony No. 97 in C Major, Hob I/97, Finale Presto Assai, Haydn: Closing credits
  • Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) appears, and gives a kiss. (in black)

Bonus Puppet Shows[]

  • Otter gets kisses from Mommy Duck, Squirt and Pavlov The Dog (2nd Version), who licks him. (Title: Big Kiss)
  • Mommy Otter gives Baby Otter his bowl of cereal. She then gets his sippy cup. But when she got to the high chair, she notices her child already ate his cereal (Title: All Done)
  • Otter and Mommy Duck tickle each other with a feather (Title: Feather)
  • Otter pulls a rope with Fun Balls falling on him (Title: Rope Surprise)
  • Otter, Daddy Otter, and the ducks are playing Tug of War and the ducks won. (Title: Tug of War)

Hand Signs (2009 DVD only)[]

  • Mommy Duck kisses one of the hands. One hand tickles her afterward. (in black)
  • The hand feeds a bagel to Duck. Duck burps afterward. (in black)
  • Otter and the hands play ball. (in black)
  • The hand washes Duck in the tub.

5 Minute Puppet Show[]

  • Duck tries to see someone but he's looking in the wrong direction. (in black)
  • Two of Us (in white)
  • Family title card
  • Marlee signs kiss, mommy, daddy, and baby.
  • Baby Otter with Otter throws a ball up high until all of the balls fall down
  • Dwarfs' Treasure Savings Box (in white)
  • Meal Time title card
  • Marlee signs milk, cereal, eat, and drink.
  • Otter lifts Foam Blocks on his nose, until he sneezes them off.
  • Convoi Stack & Pull Toy (in black)
  • Waldszenen (Forest Scene), Op. 82, No. 1 Entritt (Entry), Schumann: daddy stock footage, Mother & Baby Dog in white, mommy stock footage, cereal stock footage, baby on couch, Daniela and Kiya signs baby, baby in garden, First Friends: Boy & Girl and First Friends: Baby, Danik signs milk, baby drinks milk from bottle, Corrine with Baby on All About Baby: Baby's Mealtime High Chair (in white), Virginia and Lauren signs kiss, mom kisses the girl, dad and mom kisses the baby

10 Minute Puppet Show[]

  • Otter shows a picture of his otter family
  • Piano Sonata No. 13 in A Major, Op. 120, D.664, 3rd Movement, Schubert: Baby: baby stock footage; baby boy playing with his legs, baby girl shows up, Camilla learns to sign baby with Lauren Taylor, Rhiannon with All About Baby: Hold on, Baby! & All About Baby: Cozy Cradle (in white), A Baby with a Rattle by Alexandra Day, Melika and Addison sign baby, Father holds a baby, baby laughing, Daddy: daddy stock footage; father giving her daughter a piggy back ride, Father playing with baby, Enos signs daddy with Antonio, Father and Son by Brian Karas, Father kisses a sleeping baby outside, Mother & Baby Dog (in white), Colin signs daddy, girl runs around in a circle while her father holds her hand, Mommy: mommy stock footage; mother kisses her baby daughter, Mother with baby in a rocking chair, Lauren learns to sign mommy with Virginia, Mother holding her baby by Nadia Richie, Mother holds her daughter / kisses, Danik signs mommy, Wooden Ducks (in white), Kiss: kiss stock footage; Mother & daughter kisses each other, son kisses his father, Enos signs kiss with Antonio, Julia Payne and her Son Ivan by Gari Melchers, mother kisses her daughter while she was sleeping, mother kisses her sons hand, Lauren signs kiss, Zahara with Animal Alley 43" Darby Dog (in white), daughter kisses her grandmother, Rhiannon with Baby Stella Doll w/Bassinet (in white)
  • Dream Journey (in white)
  • Otter plays tag with Mommy Duck.
  • Play Time Title Card
  • Marlee signs play, help, friend, and ball.
  • Piano Trio No. 39 in G Major, "Gypsy", Hob. XV/25, III. Rondo, Haydn: Ball: ball stock footage; girl runs up then kicks the ball while her mother was watching, Drew plays with plush basketball from Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set, Antonio signs ball with Enos, Baby with Ball from Baby's Year Book by Meta Morris Grimball, Rhiannon plays with baseball from Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set, Lauren signs ball, Zahara with Ball Track Roll 'n Roll 'n Roll (in white), Friend: friend stock footage; Ben and Keanu hugging each other, Alana and her friend smiling with cats, Camilla signs friend with Lauren Taylor, Friendship by Liz Trueblood, girls hugging each other, Whoops-oops (in white), Lauren signs friend to Danik while he was drawing, children swaying back and forth, Help: help stock footage; father helps his daughter to get down from the tree, mother helps her daughter to write, Antonio signs help with Enos, First Steps by Daniel Clarke, Rhiannon and Calvin with Stacking Rings (in white), Danik signs help, mother helps her baby son walk to his father, Play: play stock footage; kids playing in leaf pile, baby plays with Stacking Cups with his mother, Camilla signs play with Lauren Taylor, Make Believe by Victor Gilbert, baby boy plays with Plastic Dump Truck with his mother, Enos signs play, boys blowing bubbles with their grandmother, Corrine and Zahara playing with bubbles
  • Dwarfs' Treasure Savings Box (in white)
  • Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, Guten Abend, Gute Nacht "Brahms' Lullaby", Brahms: Mommy Duck reads a book to Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version). She then notices her other duck child sleeping on the other side on the bed.
  • Bedtime Title Card
  • Marlee signs sleep, bath, story, and blanket.
  • Album fur die Jugend, Op. 68, No. 1 - I. Melodie, Schumann: Blanket: blanket stock footage; Rhiannon grabs Calvin's blanket, baby boy wrapped around his yellow blanket on bed, Camilla learns to sign blanket with Lauren Taylor, Visions of Sugar Plums by Konstantin Rodko, two kids under a blanket, Colin signs blanket, Riley plays his blanket, Story: story stock footage; grandfather tells his grandson a story while he played with a space shuttle, Teacher telling a story about planets and stars to the children, Antonio signs story with Enos, Little Women by Jessie Wilcox Smith, Father reading a bedtime story to his son, Lauren signs story, Mother & Baby Elephant with Sweet Dreams, Mimi Book (in white), Bath: bath stock footage; mother bathing her baby while he was playing in the sink, Corrine with You and Me Bathtub (in white), Lauren signs bath with Virginia, mother giving her son a bath in the sink, The Morning Bath by Boris Kustodiev, Danik signs bath, mother drying her son with a towel, Sleep: sleep stock footage; baby boy sleeping in crib, father putting a blanket on his son then kisses, Antonio sign sleep with Enos, A Goodnight Story by George Kilburne, baby girl sleeps with her mother, Colin signs sleep, The Original Slumber Bear (in black)


  1. Symphony No. 97 in C Major, Hob I/97, Finale Presto assai, Haydn (Opening & Closing Credits) (not in any CDs)
  2. Sonata No. 13 in A Major for Piano, Op. 120, D. 664, III. Finale: Allegro, Schubert (Family)
  3. Serenade in D Major for Flute, Violin and Viola, Op. 25, Grove. 25, Bia. 114, I. Entrata: Allegro, Beethoven (Meal Time) (not in any CDs)
  4. Messiah Part II, HWV 56, All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray, Handel (Baby Kisses Mommy) (not in any CDs)
  5. Trio No. 39 in G Major for Piano, Violin and Cello, "Gypsy", Hob. XV/25, III. Rondo, Haydn (Play Time) (not in any CDs)
  6. Wiegenlied, Op. 49, No. 4, "Brahms' Lullaby", Brahms (Bedtime)
  7. Album for the Young, Op. 68, No. 1 in C Major - I. Andante "Melody", Schumann (Bedtime)
  8. Forest Scenes, Op. 82, No. 1 in B-flat Major - I. Non troppo presto "Entrance", Schumann (See Me Sign)



  • Otter (Host) (played by David Privett) (only appearance)
  • Squirt The Pig (PlaySoup) (played by David Privett) (second appearance)
  • Baby Otter (played by David Privett) (only appearance)
  • Mommy Otter (played by June Privett) (only appearance)
  • Duck (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) (played by David Privett) (seventh appearance)
  • Mommy Duck (played by June Privett) (only appearance)
  • Duck (PlaySoup) (1st Version) (played by David Privett) (fifth appearance)


  • Pavlov The Dog (PlaySoup) (2nd Version) (played by David Privett) (fourth appearance)
  • Daddy Otter (played by David Privett) (only appearance)


  • Alana Elman (wearing a white shirt) (Stock Footage only) (only appearance)
  • Ashley
  • Ben L. Daniels (wearing a red shirt, green goggles and a green cape) (Stock Footage only) (last appearance)
  • Calvin Barker (wearing a blue and pink tank tops and red shorts) (only appearance)
  • Corrine Hamill (wearing a pink sweatshirt) (only appearance)
  • Drew Oldrey (wearing a red shirt) (only appearance)
  • Gabriel Hertford (wearing a red plaid shirt)
  • Keanu McBrayer (wearing a yellow shirt, purple goggles and a purple cape) (Stock Footage only) (last appearance)
  • Rhiannon Kaling (wearing a red sweatshirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Riley Slover (wearing an orange shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Zahara Holmes (wearing a red and black striped shirt and gray pants) (only appearance)

Deaf Kids[]

  • Addison Lynch (wearing a pink shirt and pink pants) (only appearance)
  • Ashanti Montgomery (wearing a blue shirt) (only appearance)
  • Camilla Trinidad (wearing an orange shirt, blue pants and white flip flops) (only appearance)
  • Colin MacMillan (wearing a white and red plaid shirt and brown pants) (only appearance)
  • Daniela Walk (wearing a blue tank top and a blue dress) (only appearance)
  • Danik Chapman (wearing a blue shirt) (only appearance)
  • Enos Riley (wearing a blue shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Kiya Lowes (wearing a pink shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Lauren Moore (wearing a pink shirt) (only appearance)
  • Melika Silverman (wearing a blue shirt, brown pants and black shoes) (only appearance)
  • Noah Sweetland (wearing a black and red shirt) (last appearance)


  • Marlee Matlin (wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans) (final appearance)
  • Antonio Goodwin (wearing a red shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Lauren Maucere (wearing a black shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)
  • Virginia Barty (wearing a magenta shirt and blue pants) (only appearance)

Discovery Cards (Opposites)[]

  • Boy
  • Girl
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Clean
  • Dirty
  • Up
  • Down
  • Hot
  • Cold
  • In
  • Out

Sign with Me[]


  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • Baby
  • Kiss

Meal Time[]

  • Eat
  • Drink
  • Milk
  • Cereal

Play Time[]

  • Play
  • Help
  • Friend
  • Ball


  • Sleep
  • Story
  • Bath
  • Blanket

Signing with Baby - Basic Signs[]

  • Yes
  • No
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Water
  • Want
  • Share
  • Potty
  • Hurt
  • Sorry
  • Hug
  • Love


Video Toys[]

Toy Manufacturer
Otter Puppet PlaySoup
Two of Us HABA
All About Baby: Hold on Baby Small World Toys
All About Baby: Cozy Cradle
Mother & Baby Dog Tolo Toys
Wooden Ducks HEROS
Animal Alley 43" Darby Dog Toys "R" Us
Baby Stella Doll w/Bassinet Manhattan Toy
Pig Puppet PlaySoup
Convoi Stack & Pull Toy HABA
Baby Otter Puppet PlaySoup
Mama Otter Puppet
All About Baby: Baby's Mealtime High Chair Small World Toys
Blue Baby Plane Spoon Sarut Group
First Friends: Cow Tolo Toys
Wooden Milk Carton HABA
Duck Puppet PlaySoup
Dream Journey HABA
Mommy Duck Puppet PlaySoup
Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set Melissa & Doug
Ball Track Roll 'n Roll 'n Roll HABA
Stacking Rings Imaginarium
Stacking Cups Megcos
Plastic Dump Truck MEGA BLOKS
Foam Blocks Unknown
Dwarfs' Treasure Savings Box HABA
Colors Flip Flap Book Baby Einstein
Wooden Doll Bed Melissa & Doug
Duck Puppet PlaySoup
Mother & Baby Elephant Tolo Toys
Sweet Dreams, Mimi Book Baby Einstein
You and Me Bathtub Toys "R" Us
The Original Slumber Bear Prince Lionheart
Metal Kazoo Trophy Music/Toymsith
Band in a Box Melissa & Doug
Big Voyage HABA
Pinwheel Unknown
First Friends: Boy & Girl Tolo Toys
First Friends: Baby
Mother & Baby Hippo

Bonus Toys[]

Toy Manufacturer
Pavlov The Dog Puppet PlaySoup
Fun Balls Toys "R" Us
Papa Otter Puppet PlaySoup

Hand Signs Toy (2009)[]

Toy Manufacturer
Beach Ball Poolmaster


  • Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment (2007-2009)


  • This is the third and last language video to have sign language.
  • This is the only appearance of the Otter family and Mommy Duck.
  • This is the first video since Baby MacDonald to be less than 30 minutes
  • This is the third and last video to feature Marlee Matlin using sign language.
  • This is also the first cover, Disc, and guide to have the 2007 style (although it strangely says "Disney's" instead of just "Disney" on the disney part), but it was the last DVD to have the 2003 logo on the menu and the Baby Einstein Caterpillar Logo.
  • This is the last appearances of Noah, Ben and Keanu.
  • On the PlaySoup website there is a Behind the Scenes photo of a scrapped puppet show with Otter and Marlee Matlin with blocks on a table in front. The reason it was cut is currently unknown.
  • This video is the sequel to Baby Wordsworth, Baby Galileo and Baby's Favorite Places.
  • A new copy of the duck puppet was made for this video, because the original puppet was deteriorating.
  • This is the only DVD released from 2004 to 2008 to not have a promo for either Little Einsteins DVD after the Disney DVD logo (2001-2007).
  • This is the only DVD released from 2004 to 2008 to not have a promo for either Disney’s Fast Play DVD after the Disney DVD logo (2001-2007).
  • This is the only DVD released from 2004 to 2008 to not have a promo for either THX Moo Can DVD after the Disney DVD logo (2001-2007).
  • The Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo on the 2007 DVD strangely uses the 2001 fanfare despite the newer fanfare being released in 2006.
  • The other DVDs on the back of the parents guide strangely use the word Disney's on them. However, the actual covers just use the word Disney. This was fixed in Discovering Shapes.


  1. A Goodnight Story by George Kilburne
  2. The Morning Bath by Boris Kustodiev
  3. Make Believe by Victor Gilbert
  4. Favorite Fruits by Joseph Clark
  5. Still Life with a Carafe of Milk by Henri-Horace Roland Delaporte
  6. A Baby with a Rattle by Alexandra Day
  7. Baby's Year Book by Meta Morris Grimball
  8. Bowl of Oatmeal by Vincent McIndoe
  9. Little Women by Jessie Wilcox Smith
  10. Father and Son by G. Brian Karas
  11. Afternoon Tea by Isidore Verheyden
  12. First Steps, 2003 by Daniel Clarke
  13. Visions of Sugar Plums by Konstantin Rodko
  14. Julia Payne and Her Son Ivan by Gari Melchers
  15. Illustrations by Liz Trueblood


My First Signs/Gallery


My First Signs/Videography Template:BE VideosTemplate:Toys in My First Signs

Toys in My First Signs
Video: The Two of Us, All About Baby: Hold on Baby, All About Baby: Cozy Cradle, Mother & Baby Dog, Lullaby Bear, Wooden Duck, 43” Darby Dog, Baby Stella, Baby Stella: Bassinet, Convoi, All About Baby: Baby's Mealtime High Chair, BabyPlane Spoon, First Friends Cow, Milk Carton, Dream Journey, Plush Sports Throw Pillow Set, Ball Track Roll 'n Roll 'n Roll, Whoops-Oops, Imaginarium Stacking Rings, Stacking Cups, Plastic Dump Truck, Bag O' Blocks, Dwarfs' Savings Treasure Box, Wooden Doll Bed, Mother & Baby Elephant, You and Me Bathtub, Original Slumber Bear, Kazoo, Makin' Music Instruments Tambourine, Makin' Music Instruments Triangle, Big Voyage, Spots & Stripes Pinwheel, First Friends Boy & Girl, First Friends Baby & Cradle, Mother & Baby Hippo

Bonus Puppet Shows: Fun Balls, Beach Ball
