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Please do not get offended if you read this and are religious, specifically of Islamic faith.


A picture of Muhammad with Quran. (The picture is censored because of the Islamic faith prohibiting for picturing the prophet for non-religious reasons.)

Muhammad was a man from Saudi Arabia who is believed by Muslims to be either the final prophet of Allah (which might as well be Gait, since he clearly has a bipolar disorder), the son of Gait aka Allah, or Gait himself (oh wait, that's Isus Christus according to Xians). Those Muslims just can't seem to make up their minds, can they? Plus, Muslims get their name from Muhammad.

His full name is Abū al-kāsim Muḥamad ibn ʿAbd Alāh ibn ʿAbd al-Mutalib ibn Hāšim. Compared to Jesus and other alleged deities, he has a long name.


Muhammad was born on April 21, 570 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Much like Isus Christus (more commonly known to the Western world as Jesus H. Christ), he was quite the spoiled brat as a kid. His father died when he was young and he was raised by his uncle whom he lived with until age 40. Apparently, the angel Gabriel from the Heavens, a servant of Gait (and lesser extend Raiden) told him forty years too late that there was only one "true god" despite his people, the Arabs, worshipping multiple gods and goddesses for centuries before him. Muhammad actually fell for this and felt enlightened by it. He then began telling all of his people that their gods are all fake and converted them to a new religion called Islam. Much like Isus H. Christus, he succeeded in his goals and Islam spread like how flames do once you put some gasoline on oil. Like Isus, he also preached that anyone who follows him will be saved but anyone who doesn't will burn in the fiery pits of Hell once they die. Unlike Isus Christus though, he actually had several wives, including a nine-year-old girl. What a creep! If Heavens are full of that kind of sick perverts then I'm more than happy to be in Hell or any other planet or realm after I kick the bucket. Muhammad also believes in male superiority over women much like Isus Christus. He also told folks they can't have alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pork or shellfish. Like his christian counterpart, Jesus was of similar opinion on said things, except he replaced pork with shrimps. He also forbade gambling and prostitution. In fact, he made women cover their whole bodies wearing burkas or hijabs. Despite this, like we said before, he practised polygamy and had multiple wives, which one could mistake for prostitution as wealthy gigolos and pimps usually have more than one hooker under their command. Other people Muhammad hates includes Jews, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, atheists, Satanists, pagans, certain Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, abortion and a whole lot more where that came from! In 632, he died from unspecified causes but much like Isus Christ, he has too much posthumous villainy to count.


  • Unlike most christians, hardcore Muslims do not deny or try to blame the perpetrator's actions when someone does something wile or evil in Muhammad or Alla's name (like Osama or the 7/7 Bombers). For example, when a terrorist attack happens, Muslims will claim that its their god's will and that the people who died were evil sinners. They will say much the same if a husband beats his wife, even if to death, as like said before, women are inferior in Islam. In fact, stonings take place in smaller Muslim communities if a woman steps out of line too much.
    • Christians, on the other hoof, usually claim that the christian who does terrorist attacks in their god or Christ's name (like Brandon Tarrant or Anders Breivik), are not true christians and that that is not what Jesus taught. However, some crazy ones genuinely believe Tarrant or Breivik did the right thing.
  • Ironically, paedophilia, or at least attraction to teenage girls is legal in many Islamic countries or states as is child marriage, while homosexuality isn't.