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This article, Mrs. Dolores Mulva, is property of Billy cougar.

Dolores Mulva
Dolores Mulva
Biographical information
Real name Dolores Margo Mulva
Also known as Mrs. Dolores, Missus Dolores, Doll, Mul, Madame, Madam, Cuneo broad
Nationality France flag French
Born October 15, 1971/29 BH
Age 47
Status Alive
Birthplace Rouen, France, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown, black
Ethnicity White
Height 5'6
Weight 61 kg
Blood type A+
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Cuneo icon Cuneo Family, Garnet, Phillip Cuneo Jr., Sweetie Belle, Corleone crest Corleone Family (former), Barzini icon Barzini Family (former), DeVazzi Family
Enemies Her family's rivals, Corleones
Occupation(s) Madame, associate, Capo
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game, The Godfather: Control of France City, The Godfather: The Election, Crossover Mayhem
Voiced by (English) Anni Long
"Hoho! You are one fine looking man, I'm Dolores. Take me home, Charlie, I'm so dizzy."
— Dolores to Trapani

Mrs. Dolores Mulva was a high class madame who was associated with the Barzini Family from time to time, but was actually an associate of the Cuneo Family. She is a minor hero character in The Godfather Game but appears as a villain in later games.


Operating out of the Barzini's social club, The Carnegie Club, Dolores was one of the most important women in the Cuneo Family and was thus awarded a lot of protection from Cuneo men.

However, in 2011/11 AH, Charlie Trapani managed to penetrate security at the club and convinced Mulva to reconsider her loyalties. The two continued cordial relations due to an attraction on Mulva's side, and she started to work back for Cuneos, after Trapani betrayed the Corleone Family to Cuneos.

Lately the social club aka hotel was taken over by the DeVazzi Family for whom she works for today.


  • She was represent in the mission "Fireworks", where she was one of the dancers and she chat with Charlie.

