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This article, Mrs. Borlinghathen, is property of Billy cougar.

Mrs. Borlinghathen
Missus Borlinghathen
Nickname(s) Missus Borr, Borlinghathen, Old Mam, Madum, The Borlinghathen, granny, Daughter of a Pioneer
Appears in Red Dead Redemption part I, American West, mentioned by members of her family in other games
Rank Unknown, probably a wealthy businesswoman of sorts
Affiliations Borlinghathen Family, Mrs. Dickiss
Status Deceased
Birth 15th of September, 1824/176 BH, Waterbury, Connecticut, USA
Sex Female
Height 5'5
Weight 76 kg
Build Slightly overweight
Hair Greying
Eyes Grey
Race Caucasian
Death 2nd of January, 1908/92 BH, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, USA
Weapon None
Timeline Current and original one
Voice Actor Lynn Cohen
"I couldn't agree with you more, my dear. My daddy settled this land and I know he'll be looking down on us. Pleased at how we "helped" the natives, heheh."
— Borlinghathen replying Mrs. Dickiss, and she sure has an unusual definition of the word "help"

Mrs. Borlinghathen is a minor character in Red Dead Redemption part I, The American West. She only appears in the game's opening cutscene, talking with Mrs. Dickiss. She is the grandmother of George Borlinghathen and Bill Borlinghathen, the latter who became the United States president.


Based on her comments, manners, dress and the last name of course, she comes from a family of means, the wealthy political Borlinghathen clan, but she doesn't scorn Nate Johnson unlike Mrs. Dickiss. She seems to have no concept at all how life for the Native Americans must be, but she hopes for them to stop "living like savages" and welcome the coming "civilisation". She also claims to be a proud imperialist.

According to her, her father was one of the pioneers that settled Texas while her uncle settled Louisiana.


The player has no real interactions with her beyond overhearing her conversation with Mrs. Dickiss. However, she has a theme song and can be seen waiting at the train station at Benedict's Station for her train only once in the game. It is presumed the train she lastly boards takes her to another state, giving us some explanation why she is never seen in the game again despite her important role concerning her last name.


"Apparently, Mr. Johnson wants to run for governor and president, which is why he's so concerned with cleaning up the state."
— Borlinghathen on Nate Johnson
"Apparently, the Johnson family have made a lot of money, and he has a lot of friends in politics. It seems that money can buy voters, though."
— Borlinghathen on rumours concerning Nate and his family


  • Her conversation with Mrs. Dickiss serves as an early representation of how people were during those times, such as she represents the total opposition to the white guilt: Little to no tolerance for the Natives, greed, lust for power, the Western Civilisation, and the conservative side of politics during those times.
  • Despite her important role on the Wiki, as being one of the earliest Borlinghathens known, her first name is unknown.
    • However, her first name is assumed to be Meagan.
  • She presumably died of old age of 82 in 92 BH in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, the state her uncle settled and "tamed".

Theme song[]

Her theme song is Imperialism by Anti-Flag, something she is and always will be and the lyrics are basically sung from her perspective. Ashrita Kumarec's part sounds exactly like how we assume Missus sounded like when she was younger.
