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This article, Mr. Smith, is property of Billy cougar.

For the characters from Bully, see Alon Smith, or Gary Smith.

Mr. Smith
Mr. Smith
Biographical information
Real name Kenneth Kennedy Smith
Also known as Smithy, Drunk guy's bro, Diaz boy, Babylon assassins leader, Smitty
Nationality This is Sparta American
Born 3rd of October, 1974
Died 10th of July, 2008
Age 34
Status Deceased
Birthplace Reno, Nevada, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Orange
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 5'11
Weight 62kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Diaz Gang, Babylon assassins
Enemies Tony Montana
Occupation(s) Diaz assassin, hitman
Notable family members Alex Smith (older brother)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Scarface: Twiy
Voiced by (English) ?
"Nobody fuaks with us!"
— Smith while shooting at Montana

Mr. Smith is a minor enemy character featured in Scarface: The World is Yours.


Nothing is known of Smith's background at all, other than that he is a Diaz assassin and a younger brother of Alex Smith.


Mr. Smith appears in the last cutscene of the "Babylon Club Redux" mission. He tells Tony Montana that the Diaz Gang send their assassins to the club, and also tells Montana that they killed his own mother, laughing maniacally while saying this. This makes Tony violently angry, and he kills the laughing maniacal Smith with two gunshots to the head. That is about all of what we see of Mr. Smith in the game.


"Fah you!"
— Smith's respond when Montana asks him who was responsible for his assassination attempt
"Hahahahahaha! What do you think, Montana, huh? You think Sausage is the only one who wants you dead? Fah you, Montana! The Diaz brothers send their regards. I hope they treated your mama well. Muahahaha!"
— Smith's last words
"I got you now!"
— Smith taunting Tony