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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Mr. Masky, is property of Billy cougar.

Mr. Masky
Mr. Masky face
Biographical information
Real name Adam Swanson
Also known as Masky, Mr., The Retard, autistic kid, fatty, creep, WTF Is that?
Nationality This is Sparta American (of course)
Age 41
Status Deceased
Birthplace Yonkers, New York, USA
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 6'2"
Weight 113 kg
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Innocentz, Mr. Happy, Julio Clisante
Enemies Mr. Nasty (probably), James Earl Cash, Trampy the Hobo
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Manhunt 2
Voiced by (English) Adam Sietz
"Please mister, PLEASE DON'T! I am sorry, I won't do it again."
— Masky begging for his little childish life

Mr. Masky is a creepy member of the Innocentz (Babyfaces aka feces) and a minor villain character in the film Sudden Violence.


Nothing is known of Masky's past life, except that he was already born mentally unwell and had a child-like state since the beninging. His real name is Adam Swanson. He is a cartoon addict and suffers from severe mental disorders and Down's syndrome of sorts, possibly to the signs of mental retardation and doesn't differ from real life and cartoons much. He is very big and perverted and was sent to the Happy Volts Asylum in 2 AH, because of the aforementioned issues and possibly paedophilia, but it's not like he could ever tell the difference, he still thinks he's a fuaking child and thinks that Mr. Nasty is out there to get him. How does he even know anything relating to Nasty? Simple: He heard his name on TV. He escaped the asylum with the help of his fellow Babyfaces in 4 AH under the orders of Jules Fernandez himself. Masky still seems to be capable of basic human walk and talk and using weapons plus fallowing orders, assuming he is much more dangerous and capable than one would assume. He is in some matter in the same mental health condition as the Smileys, although some of them are worse while some are more capable. He also speaks in a childish voice and may spit all the while he talks, similar to Thad Carlson.

His weapons of choice are a sickle, a magnum, and sometimes a Sawn-off Shotgun. He doesn't even swear at all and just insults Cash by calling him "smelly egg!" or "rabbit", since he believes that swearing is the ultimate sin. He, despite his mental diseases and mentality in general, is a very tough and a strong enemy to kill, as he scares the sith outta you just after you look him in the eyes through his porcelain mask. As seen in the film's intro, he stares deep into your scared and pussified soul. However, a good stab in the back usually makes him fold like a cheap camping tent.


Mr. Masky was killed by James Earl Cash in 2006/6 AH with a knife while guarding Trampy the Hobo in a small house. Cash stabbed the Standard Knife into Masky's right side of the neck causing blood to spurt out, Masky then reached for the wound as he fell to the ground, dead.


  • "I pvomise to be good, really I do!"
  • "Oh, rats!"
  • "Go away! He's OURS!"
  • "GO!!! It's our turn now!"
  • "GO! Stay away and let us play!"
  • "We no have to share!"
  • "Shhh! He's sleeping."
  • "Wake up, silly, you can't sleep there."
  • "It's ketchup all over his face."
  • "Hey mister... Mister?"
  • "W-rabbit! There's the rabbit!"
  • "You... Come and play with me!"
  • "Hey!... Where did you go?"
  • "No one to play with! (Kinda crys)"
  • "You're making me MAD!"
  • "(Heavy breathing) Very tired now."
  • "I can still see you, little man!"
  • "Lalalala, THIS IS FUN!"
  • "You'd been a bad, bad, BAD, BAD MAN!"
  • "That you, Mister... Nasty?"
  • "(Clown laugh) Sharp & Shiny! That's how its' gotta be."
  • "I want your eyes so I can finish my collection."
  • "WOOHOO!!! I'm a train. (Child laugh)"
  • "It's gonna be him! It's gonna be him! IT'S GONNA BE... HIM!"
  • "Mr. Masky want your eyes!"
  • "Play with me NOW!"
  • "Mr. Smelly learn 'spect me!"
  • "Blue jacket!"
  • "Break bone and tear!"


  • Like Ferra & Torr from Mortal Kombat X, Masky collects eyes for his collection. Hell, he does share a lot of similarities to both of them, really.
  • Unlike most other Innocentz in Scarface: The World is Yours from 2013 onward, Masky does not appear in the game as he was killed already in 2006. Nevertheless, some Babyfaces share the same character model as he does. Or maybe they just took his mask and Hawaiian shirt? You can never know these days.

