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This article, Mr. Hill, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

Mr. Hill
Mr. Hill
Biographical information
Real name Eustace Alvin Hill
Nationality This is Sparta American-German-Scottish-Northern Irish
Born September 9, 1966/44 BH
Age 57
Status Alive
Birthplace Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
Physical description
Eye colour Blue
Hair colour Red
Height 6'4” (193 cm)
Weight 263 lbs (120 kg)
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Colton Williams, Colby Smith, Corey Evans, Alex Norcroft, Kiley Winselton, Mr. Pearson, Mr. Rickson
Enemies Jimmy Hopkins, Peter Kowalski, J. J. Goldfeld, Blake Brumley, Winston Atticus, Kim Jing Wei, Elijah Robinson
Occupation(s) Mathematics teacher at Dixmor Academy
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully 2
Voiced by (English) ?

Mr. Eustace Alvin Hill is the mathematics teacher at Dixmor Academy from Bully 2. He is Umberto Hattrick's replacement and manipulates people into thinking he is a "funny and nice teacher" when he really is just as bad, if not worse than Hattrick. He likes to steal students' iPhones and smash them or throw them into the toilet. He will also bully anyone who tries to report him because he doesn't want his true identity to be known. He likes to use words such as "Russki", "Polack", "frog", "wog", the N word, "Spic", etc. a lot, especially to describe students of those nations. He is also quite racist and sexist as he called a black girl "from the hood". On top of all that, he also has 1970's Playboy magazines that he keeps hidden under his desk and its drawers, along with .44 Magnum revolver and three ammunition boxes to it. He is the cousin of Gotham City's mayor, Hamilton Hill as well as a corrupt CIA agent named Frank Hill. His cruel nature to bully people partially comes from manipulations of another teacher, Mr. Pearson. Hill thinks him and Pearson are besties now that he is an even bigger bully, but Pearson just sees him as a puppet who happens to have something in common with him. Since he is also kind of a white supremacist, he has a lot of respect for Alex Norcroft for being of Scandinavic ancestry, and actually gets along with Colton Williams, Colby Smith, Corey Evans, Kiley Winselton and a bunch of other bullies. He is about 6’4 and 262 lbs. He was arrested back in September 2004 or 4 AH but has somehow gotten out back in early 2006 or 6 AH.

One day Eustace Hill went to a new movie theater in Bullworth. The theater runs a trailer for Call Me by you name, which appears to be a coming of age story about a young man discovering his sexuality. Mr. Hill jolts upright in his seat to scream "GAYYYYYYYY!!!" at the screen. A few people at the front of the theater nervously chuckle at his odd behaviour while some are offended af. Hill said they're snowflakes.

Up next is a trailer for a black and white movie centred around an Orthodox Jewish community (this is kind of an indie theater, so all the trailers are for smaller movies). Emboldened by what he must have seen as an encouraging reaction to his first outburst, Mr. Hill is just getting started. Just as two characters in the trailer are reflecting about what they want in life, Hill shrieks "SHEKELS! THEY WANT SHEKELS!" The few people who laughed at his earlier "joke" have turned around to look at the source of the commotion, but they're more concerned than amused now. As the trailer ends, he leans back and bellows "WITH JEWS, YOU LOSE!"

J. J. Goldfeld, who is sitting at the back of the theater finally gets fed up with his anti-semitism, and tells him to “shut his mouth”. Mr. Hill's brilliant response? "Is that what your mom said last night?" What ensues is an argument wherein Hill tries to justify his antics with the excuse that it's only the previews, and Goldfeld tries in vain to impress upon Hill that it's more the content of his exclamations than the volume that makes them objectionable. Hill just replies that Jews own the entire world already so this movie ain't nuffin new.

During Kim Jing Wei's killing spree on the Academy, Hill heard a couple of shots outside his classroom before Kim stormed in. Hill was scared speechless in his classroom and stepped beside his desk while Kim shot herself in the head in the middle of the classroom with her 45. automatic before the police came in there as well. Hill used this opportunity to suck up to the coppers, except for Officer Williams.


"What the-?! Brakus, wake up this instance! Those questions ain't gonna answer themselves."
— Hill when Brakus once fell asleep at one of his boring classes
"Lola Lombardi! What are you doing??? Put down your iPhone now or it goes in the trash where it belongs."
— Hill raging at Lola
"Shaw, get off your phone especially if you're using calculator or playing some silly games!"
— Hill when Shaw was on his phone
"Atticus, I heard your fam voted for Hillary? WTF? Now get in front of the black, like you, board and answer the question."
— Hill being a real bully to Winston Atticus
— Hill accusing Hopkins of something Winselton did
"Watch where you're walkin', you commie chink! Oh wait, your eyes are too squinted! HAHA!"
— Hill when bumped into Kim Jing Wei
"Next up class, we have algebra! ALGEBRA! It was invented by that Jew guy Einstein. Not a nice guy in my book, but work is work."
— Hill in class
"WTF!? It was actually invented by some towelhead???! Disgraceful! Anyway, let's get started."
— Hill correcting himself when opening his book
"Impressive work, my boy!"
— Hill when Colton Williams finishes his work... last

Bullied victims[]


  • He is from Indiana and of Northern Irish, German, and Scottish descent.
  • Mr. Pearson is the only Slovenian he gets along with, as well as the only Slavic person he gets along with period. The reason is because he has power over him.
  • Corey Evans is the only Japanese he gets along with, as well as the only Asian he gets along with period. The reason is because they're both evil bullies.
  • Without a single doubt, Hill voted for Frank Kenson as US president and might be one of the few that actually enjoyed living in his "perfect America". However, he said he dislikes the fact that Kenson opposes capitalism and hunting, but that is over now that Joe Biden is in charge.

