Mr. Chipper, more commonly known as Chipper, is the owner of Chipper and Sons Lumber Company. He is an anthropomorphic beaver.
He is the father of Tyke (and possibly another unnamed beaver).
He is a character from the 2013 video game, Chipper & Sons Lumber Co. as well as it’s unofficial 2019 sequel Tyke and Sons Lumber Co.
Physical Appearance[]
Chipper is a tall, burly, anthropomorphic beaver with brown fur and dark brown messy hair. He has blue eyes and he wears blue overalls with brown buttons.
As an older man, his hair has gone grey, he grew a long grey beard and he now wears glasses.
In Chipper’s, Chipper is kind, nice and friendly yet unhinged and murderous. He is usually relaxed and has great pride and confidence in his son.
Chipper is known to have murderous tendencies towards the neighbouring termites, whenever something bad happens to Chipper, he immediately goes to the Termite village and starts killing many of the folk.
Murderous tendencies[]
Chipper hated the neighboring termites. So much to the point where he often went to their village and committed mass murder, even though they were a friendly tribe.
When Chipper was young, he participated in ‘19-beaverdy-3’, he had slept on his arm which was tucked into his jacket, and when he woke up, he couldn’t feel his arm. Believing that the termites have eaten it while he was asleep, he went to their village and went on a rampage on the termites, but soon realized that he hadn’t lost his arm. He regarded this time as the good days.
One time, Chipper had made a termite costume, he worn it and he ended up dropping bombs in Termite Village. Another time, as revenge for one of Chipper’s acts of violence, the termites decided to pull a prank on Chipper. The termites brought a wooden horse to Chipper, it was a trap. Chipper responded by killing some more termites.
When Chipper was young, he collected wood, built dams and blew up termite mounds. Later in life, he would marry a female beaver, she would bake lots of pies for Chipper, the pies were said to be delicious. The two would later have a child named Tyke.
Soon after Tyke’s birth, Mrs. Chipper would bake a very large pie, however she fell into it and Chipper began to eat the pie, he noticed that his wife was in the pie, but he continued eating it. He later stuffed her body and put it in the corner of his home.
A long while later, once Tyke had become a fully grown little boy, Chipper sent him to do chores around the forest, meanwhile Chipper looks for a potential girlfriend for his son. He finds some but they do not share a connection with Tyke. One day, Chipper finds a young girl beaver, she and Tyke soon begin dating, leaving Mr. Chipper to be a very proud papa.
A while later, a seagull named Sea Bill had created some robots, he built one after Chipper, but they all went rogue and missing. Sea Bill’s twin brother, Sea Bob, had killed his brother and assumed his identity. He began to built machines with malicious intent, which when Chipper found out about this, he was put into a cave (a large tin can) so he couldn’t expose him.
Years later, Tyke and Lisa’s son, Mike, discovered the truth about Sea Bill, who gave the same treatment to Mike as he did to his grandfather by putting him in the same cave. Mike meets Chipper, and the two are rescued by The Strange Traveler, a mysterious yet powerful figure. Sea Bob attempts to get rid of them, but he gets obliterated by his own laser. Chipper returns to a normal life and rests outside of his shed near Tyke’s cabin.
- Chipper told Tyke about how he had a son one time who built many things and ended turning them self into a cyborg, Chipper had to dismantle it and bury the pieces across the land.
- Chipper actually built a robot version of himself, but he soon had to get rid of it as it began to think it was the real Chipper.
- He ate some of his wife.