Morgan's Bay (now renamed to Griffon's Bay) is a coast or an island on the edge of Australia which is now run by Elizabeth Griffon, the spoiled 9-years-old adopted daughter of Charles M. Griffon, and was partially owned by that guy named Carl Jupiter, basically the Australian version of Patrick Bateman, after William Calvin Morgan's swift assassination of Scott Morrisen and his top cabinet. William C. Morgan then let his elite buddies flourish all around the island as he did himself before selling the entire isle to Griffon.
It is a place where it never, ever rains, Hell, it only rains firestorms, there is a lot of earthquakes, 'cohol is forbidden, making it a gold mine for 'cohol smugglers on Charlie and Lizzy's payroll. Weed and fags are illegal as well, there ain't no church, no real hospitals, just one giant hospital which functions as a baby-factory, only one boarding school and many other one-liners which were unoccupied due to the COVID-19 pandemic and stood unoccupied even after the pandemic. A lot of times it rains fireballs here and there are many earthquakes at nights. There are a restaurant and a bakery in the town as well, but only Griffon and his elite men may enter it.
The food here is not rare, but there is only one supermarket and food there arrives once a week. So, if a household is without food at the start of the week when it arrives, they will starve until the President, who is just a puppet of Griff, says otherwise unless they die first. Furniture shopping is also available only once a month and the prices are very high. Most of electricity and electronic products also die quickly, making it an actual hell on Earth for the folks that live 'er. As of today, as many as 75 families had already perished here. The lowest-paid people here are in fact the essential workers who work for anyone with a little bit of money, like the maids, the butlers, butler's assistants and mechanics n' sith.
The entire shebang was ruled by the Morgan Dynasty, the only family in town that mattered. However, they have moved ever since back to England and so Charles M. Griffon of the Griffon dynasty took the island over until he died of old age, making his only and adopted daughter Elizabeth lead the country, or semi-lead it.
There are 8 districts of the coast, all ruled tightly by Griffon's underlings, but even they hold minimal power.
The most popular occupations are either the military, working for the Govt. or working at the secret warehouse the Govt. has where criminal enterprises run deep, albeit under Griffon's leadership or else they face starvation. The police force here is very corrupt and serves the elite only. The undertakers and funeral services who take care of the deceased are paid well at least and the fire department is located outside of the Bay, somewhere in Queensland I reckon.
If a very wealthy person moves into Griff's Bay, they will either have to share their profits with Elizabeth and subsequently, join the elite, otherwise their wealth will be cut and they will be forced to work hard to gain the money back. If that ain't bad enough, pissing Lizzy off will prompt her to remove their food supplies and they may starve to death.
- Morgan's Million Dolla' Tower, renamed to Griffon's Tower
- MGMS Corporate and Journalist Tower
- The Governmental Building
- Morgan's Place (formerly)
- Griffon's Castle
- Griffon's Fortress
- Griffon's Mansion
- The Crooked Warehouse, renamed to Griffon's Charity Centre for Iraq (a lie to avoid detection)
- The Crooked Bread, renamed to The Griffon
- The Griffon Restaurant
- Dewey's Bookstore
- Basillio's Public Library
- School for the Intelligent Ppl
- Griffon's Wrasslin' Federation (nothing compared to WWE, tho)
- Buff's Jim
- Specter Museleuom
- Griffon's lake
The Families[]
Here is a list of families who lived pretty well under Morgan's dictatorship until their annihilation for the lulz:
- Flynn family
- Vasquez family
- Casper family
Current Families[]
Here is a list of most of the current families or people who live here, wealthy or not.
- Nelson family
- Bates Family
- Griffon family
- Abigail Peppercorn
- Lombardi family
- Penny Aragon
- Trevor Burton
- Hoffman family
- Jamie Corbin
- Frank Wallace
- Darren Lopez
- William family
- Basillio family (former)
- Alcohol ist forbidden
- Drugs are all forbidden as well
- Religion is forbidden, one can and must only worship either Pan the Satyr, or Griffon or have no religion at all
- The rich get richer and the poor get poorer
- The rich have certain freedoms, the poor have less
- Only certain books can be read
- The Govt. is kind enuff to build households pools in the backyards where the family may swim until they drown or have their pools walled around, making them force to drown. This is considered a much quicker death than the torture they usually hav'ta endure.
- Government assassins and criminals may come to your house and steal a lot of your belongings while you sleep.
- If a fire department doesn't come to extinguish your house when it is on fire, you have no right to sue them.
- It used to be Moonlight Bay before the Morgan-owned Dixmor Project took over, but is today known as Griffon's Bay as Charles' kid rules supreme.