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This article, Moloch (the cooler one), is property of Freddie Nobile.

Molok on throne
Nickname(s) Malok, Bull, The Bull God, cow God, Molech, Mollok, Molok, Milcom, Malcam, Abortion God, Lord Moloch, Babylonian God
Appears in Nichten
Rank Canaanite God of Abortion and War, later Jewish God
Affiliations His worshippers, some demons, Tyrian Melqart, School and bones logo the Bonesmen, Hell and its Rulers, Adam Lanza
Status Eternal, immortal
Birth Billions upon millions of years ago, like all gods
Death None
Weapon None
"Yeetus that fetus! Make it fetus deletus!"
— Moloch to his loyal worshippers

The God known as Moloch comes from the Canaanite culture or so we're told and is the God of child sacrifice, either through fire! The most painful form of abortion or through war! "Feel the Fire of War!" proclaims Mollok.

He is something of a meme god in the internet culture, although unfortunately, he is usually portrayed as a villain in the memes, particularly due to his grudge against bigger, more popular religions, like those invented by Gait or Raiden and enforced by Isus Christus.


The Lord Moloch is not only the God of Canaanites, but also of the Ammonites, as well as Tyrian Melqart and possibly some modern day feminists (better yet feminazis) and other abortionists, but today's abortion methods are nowhere near as brutal as Moloch's were.

Moloch is depicted as as a bronze or gold statue with a bull's head and a body with many doors for ovens where babies and other folks worthy of sacrifice are thrown in. In some other cases he appears similar to an Egyptian god, sitting on a throne. One of the most well known sacrifices made for him were those of Abram Fabik and Aldus Gob. Sometimes, the ovens would each represent a different object, animal or person in question that needs to be sacrificed to him; a fetus, ram, cow, cow's baby, hay, loaf of bread, etc.

He shares his name with the Oni and only Destroyer Moloch of the Never Never Land, although it's rather coincidental than to be connected in a literal sense. Similarly to him, he also owned a pet bird or a crow.

Indeed, for millennia it has been known that Moloch needs to feed on the souls of unworthy or worthy children or fetuses who had to die in war or by fire as sacrifices so his anger is calmed down and he doesn't unleash his wrath upon the world, unlike most gods who had been killing Earth back and forth. Cleitarchus, Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch all mention the burning of children as an offering to Cronus or Saturn, not only Moloch aka Malcam. Cronus or Saturn can even be represented as the being known as Satan or Lucifer from the ancient texts, but it rarely includes gods like Shinnok or Queen Almeida. However, it has been suggested and rumoured that the practice of child sacrifice may have been exaggerated in Roman propaganda in order to make their rivals seem more cruel and bloodthirsty, like those hypocritical Romans and xistians were any better. But some were, especially those who resisted the future christian oppression.

According to the old and wise Elders of Zion, Moloch is listed among the chief lieutenant of Lucifer's fallen angels and works hoof to hoof with the now Lord Chernobog in Hell. Whether Lucifer really exists in this case or is a representation of a Light that shines through the dark clouds into Hell, similar to the Morning Star or is the grand title of Hell itself is unknown. What is known however, is that Chernobog usurped Shinnok and had taken his throne, with Moloch keeping his dark title. Moloch is known for giving a harsh speech at the parliament of Hell, where he argues for immediate warfare against Gait. He later becomes revered as a Pagan god on Earth before he is transformed into other cultures, like the Canaanite. He was also the one to give the Oath system in Hell, which later on was called Moloch's oath or Oath of Moloch, meaning that if you come to Hell and wish to serve its Dark Masters, you must put your hand on Moloch's book and swear on it.

When the biblical figure known as Moses sees this, there are certain laws given to him by Gait who expresses to forbade the Jews to do what was done in Egypt or in Canaan with Moloch. Moses tries to convince Jews to stop aborting kids to Moloch and they comply, although most continued their practices during the night, stealing christian babies from religious households for the ritual. Pagans did similar stuff, while jews eventually ceased with the rituals.

According to another priest, Moloch served the Fallen Archangels well during the War in Heavens.

Personality and traits[]

Moloch is often described as a rash, brash, arrogant, irrational and murderous demon god, who wants to continue to wage war against Gait and his kind everywhere. Moloch is often disregardful of his own safety as well, which is evident when he deemed it imperative to take the fight to god even when he saw how many can fall from grace for disobeying Gait or Yaweh or whatever.

Like some other demonions, Moloch enjoyed the thrill of war so much and war alone, even without any tactics, like one would find in Sun Tzu's Art of War, making other Lords like Shinnok and Chernobog to consider him more brawn than brains and is an idol attributed to warfare because of that, just ask The Boom! Pilot.

Moloch also finds particular pleasure in making mothers weep and likes to taunt them as well, especially when he steals their children, either literally by snatching them from their cribs at night or laughing at their cries after each school massacre in US or Europe, like in Serbia.


  • There are seven oven doors for burning folks and other aforementioned items or animals on his idol stomach.
    • 8 if you count the gate.
  • Moloch, or rather his owl, is the principal deity of the Bilderberg's Club and the Bohemian Grove.
    • It also secretly appears on the US dollar bill, hiding in the corner.
  • Jewish socialist author known as Allen Ginsberg made a poem dedicated to Moloch called the Howl.
  • Molok Basillio, the rich Australian billionaire, was named after Moloch.


Theme song[]

Moloch's theme song is Flames of Moloch by the Last Frontier. It's a song that was made for him specifically since he is the deity in the said song that demands sacrifices of new-borns through fire.

Lord Moloch's theme to listen.
