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This article, Missions In Revolver, is property of Billy cougar.

The Story Mode in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition consists of thirty Missions. The narrative of Red Dead Revolver takes place across different time periods and with the player controlling four secondary characters in addition to the primary good guy, Jack Marston.

Mission List[]


Except where otherwise indicated, each mission begins directly after completing the previous mission. In some cases the transition between missions includes a rewards screen, shop interface, and/or weapon selection screen. In other cases, the transition is immediate and without notification to the player. Twenty of the missions can also be performed in Bonus Mode after the player has completed the full story once.

Missions in Texas

Missions in West Virginia Non-mission time in Gold Town

Non-mission time in Gold Town

Non-mission time in Gold Town

Non-mission time in Gold Town

Missions in Mexico

Missions in West Virginia

Non-mission time in Gold Town

Non-mission time in saloon
