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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Mike Toht, is property of Billy cougar.

Mike Toht
Mike Toht face
Biographical information
Real name Michael Ernst "Mike" Berinhard Toht
Also known as Mikey, Mr. Mike, Mr. Toht, Mik, kraut, the German capo
Nationality German-American German-American
Born 17th of November, 1960/40 BH
Died 24th of December, 2006/6 AH
Age 46
Status Grave Deceased
Birthplace Berlin, Germany, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Black, brown
Ethnicity Caucasian-Germanic
Height 6'4” (193 cm)
Weight 111kg (245 lbs)
Blood type A+
Gender Male Logo Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Barzini icon Barzini Family, Tony Bianchi
Enemies Corleone crest Corleone Family, Luigi Pennino
Occupation(s) Barzini capo, mobster
Notable family members Unnamed parents, Arnold Toht (uncle)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) None, The Godfather Game (mentioned)

Mike Toht was one of the Barzini Family capos, the others being Domenico Mazza, Bobby Toro (originally a Stracci, but he worked on Barzini payroll as well) and Roberto Barzini. He is a minor, mentioned only character in The Godfather Game.


Mike was a key player in a war between the Barzini Family and the Corleone Family. Toht was a right-hand man of Tony Bianchi. At the verge of victory, Toht was almost murdered in a drive-by. Driver of the car was Pete Clemenza and the shooter was Luigi Pennino. Luigi shoot at Toht from the car's 2nd window and Toht's car was forced to take cover at the local Cuneo eatery. While taking cover there, Mike was murdered by Peninno's Tommy Gun at Hawk's Steakhouse, in Mid Town during the Barzini - Corleone War after Clemenza drove Luigi there and a hasty truce was arranged. Mike was the predecessor of Domenico Mazza.

Personality and traits[]

Mike Toht was a cunning, heartless, psychopathic, unmerciful, and sadistic man who had murdered several people from other crime families, even if they weren't really important enemies or key figures, like some random citizens, workers or Truck Drivers. He also had two Barzini minions who did his work for him (rumoured to be Timothy Cavestone and Gustavoe Rockquesz), but at the end of the day, he attempted to kill one of his minions for failing him too often, but was killed by Peninno at Hawk-eye Howe's steakhouse before he could make his move.


  • Toht was one of the two original Barzini caporegimes, the other being the much younger Roberto Barzini.
  • He commanded six men during the time he was alive: Emilio Belloq, one of the 3rd Street Saints, Gustavoe Rockquesz, Timothy Cavestone, Alberto La Ruso and Luigi Peterson.
    • That is more men than Domenico ever had in his regime.
  • Studying his DNA, it was revealed that Mike was the nephew of Arnold Toht from his father's side.

