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This article, Miharu Takahashi, is property of Sunan Samudera.

Miharu Takahashi
Miharu Takahashi render
Biographical information
Real name Miharu Takahashi
Also known as Dark Geisha, Daughter of Kurobe Rizoku Akihiru
Nationality Japan flag Feudal Japanese
Born 7th of June
Age 22 (Part 3), 24 (Part 4), 26 (Part 5)
Status Alive
Birthplace Kuroihasu state of Feudal Japan
Physical description
Eye colour Purple
Hair colour Black
Ethnicity Japanese
Height 182 cm
Weight 58 kg
Blood type B+
Gender Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Lawbreakers, PAPERID, Samurai Force of Light, Samurai Force of Darkness (formerly, defected)
Enemies Super Power Alliance, Samurai Force of Darkness
Notable family members Kurobe Rizoku Akihiru (Father), Minako Takahashi (Mother), Dennis Dion (Love Interest)
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Revolution Battle of Fate
Voiced by (English) Faye Mata

Miharu Takahashi is a member of Lawbreakers, she's the founder of the group along with Dennis.


Miharu is a tall, slender, and beautiful woman with long black hair and purple eyes. She styled her fashion as a geisha with make-up, multiple head ornaments, and a black and purple kimono with floral pattern on it.


Miharu is a kind, friendly, polite, and caring woman, she's also loyal to whomever she follows or she considers friends. To her friends, she is helpful and nurturing, as seen on many ocassions when she helped her friends when they injured or needed assistance in a fight.



Dennis Dion[]

Miharu and Dennis has mutual liking to each others. In their first meeting, she was initially suspected him as an assassin sent by her father to kill her and held hostility toward him even after Dennis proved that he doesn't have any bad intention toward her. However, this changed when she witnessed Dennis' selflessness in saving innocent bystanders and when he saved her from many assassins who were sent by her father, making her develop a feeling on him and finally falling in love with him.

Other Gang Members[]



Kurobe Rizoku Akihiru[]


Minako Takahashi[]


Abilities & Powers[]





  • Miharu's appearance is based on real life singer Yuko Suzuhana of Wagakki band from Japan.
  • She shares her last name with Kenshi and Takeda Takahashi.