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This article, Mickey Conway, is property of Billy cougar.

Mickey Conway
Mickey Conway
Nickname(s) Mick, Micky, Conway, miner
Appears in Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition, Red Dead Redemption part I, American West and part IV, Undead Nightmare
Rank Miner, treasure hunter
Affiliations Basset's Miners
Status Deceased
Killed By Leg Johnson
Sex Male
Height 5'7" (170cm)
Build Slim medium
Hair Orange/ginger
Eyes Blue
Race Caucasian-Irish-Aryan
Death 19th of June, 1889
Weapon Scots Revolver, Dynamite, Standard Knifes
Voice Actor ?
"Don't worry, it's just a flesh wound!"
— Mickey when another miner stabs his own ass

Mickey Conway is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption part I, American West, part IV, Undead Nightmare and Red Dead Revolver 3dn edition.


Mickey is a treasure hunter and a miner. If the player is wearing the treasure hunter outfit or even if he doesn't, if he bumps into him, he seems apologetic. His manners may explain why he isn't a bounty target and only shoots at the player because he considers them a threat. When in a fight however, he is still as foul-mouthed as the rest of the gang.



Leg Johnson will encounter Mickey during the level "Silver's Night Town", where he attempts to protect his boss, Wade Basset. Mickey is a mini-boss in this level. When Johnson tries to untie Laura Fortuna, Mickey throws a knife that hits the pole next to Leg, either trying to hit Leg or to scare him.

When he is fought, he mainly runs around, climbing on roofs and just avoids Leg, letting the Harlan Forberss do most of the fighting. When cornered, however, he attacks viciously with his knives, throwing them and slashing at Leg, while taunting him or laughing maniacally. The biggest threat from Conway comes due to the fact he will actively attack Laura if the player gets too far away or if they get distracted for too long by the Forberss. Laura usually points out where he is with quotes such as "he's on the roof of the bank!". When he is taken down to half health, Roscol Duffly appears.

It is possible (yet rather difficult) to kill Conway before Duffly shows up. The player needs the golden gun cheat on to do this. If timed right, Leg's dead-eye attack can kill Mickey when he is at the lowest health possible before Roscol shows up.

Showdown Mode[]

This character is available in the Showdown Mode after the player buys the Hillbilly Stove from Gold Town's general store or if he completes "Silver's Night Town" with a good rating.

American West[]

Mickey can only be found defending the Gaptooth Breach. However, unless the player is wearing the Treasure Hunter Outfit, he will be hostile.

Undead Nightmare[]

Mickey can be found defending Gaptooth Breach, where he is on the roof of the railroad house. If Gaptooth Breach is saved and Mickey survives, he will stay by the railroad house.


— Mickey when in a fight
"I'm so mad right now! Mad at you, mister!"
— Mickey when pissed
"Hey mister, I was relaxin'."
— Mickey when bumped into
"Kiss my ass!"
— Mickey demands the player to kiss his arse
"I'm feeling so... relaxed."
— Mickey when injured
"Hey, sorry, Johnny. I'm sleeping on my feet here."
— Mickey when bumped into
"Sorry, mister, didn't see you there."
— Conway when bumped into
"Uh?? Oh sorry."
— Mickey when bumped into
"This should hurt quite a bit, muahahahahahaha!"
— Mickey during a fight

Journal Entry[]

Mickey was one of the two treasure hunters working for O'Leary's back in the day, before Wade Basset took over.

It is rumoured that O'Leary was going to fire him for killing too many helpers on duty.


  • Mickey, Harvard Coskie, Digby Haskins, Quick Tom Candle and Guy Percival are the only treasure hunters that do not appear as a bounty targets.
  • Mickey has a tattoo on his left forearm of a crossed pick-axe and sledgehammer denoting his dedication to mining.