This article, Michael Myers, is property of Demon Redwood. |
Michael Audrey Myers was a funny fella' from Haddonfield, a little town from Illinois. He was a serial killah' who kills anything in his path. Why is that you ask? Jason's orders!!!
Michael is silent - he doesn't like to talk, in fact, he never talks, only when ordering his meals in the mental asylum, and when telling his doctors he has to take a leakk. Last time he talked was October 30th, 1963. He takes his orders from WWE's very own Jason Voorhees.
Mikey Myers was a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really weird kid. He wouldn't speak and he absolutely loved to rip the wings off of butterflies, simply because he loved to cause pain to others. On October 31, 1963, he lost his marbles and killed his older sister, Judith because he was having hallucinations about Jason threatening him into it, strong-arming the kid. He was found by his parents moments later and they sent him to a mental hospital. That was when Dr. Sam Loomis walked in and tried to help Myers, but Myers would have none of that and would never expose Jason due to fear.
The Hospital and his escape[]
For 15 years Myers rotted in various hospitals, one of them being the Dixmor Asylum where he played board games with Adolf Ackermann and watched poker matches between Dr. Ivan Dixmor and patient Mankind. One day Dr. Loomis came to Dixmor's and took him back to his original asylum. Mikey was left there while Sam drove away with his assistant to go watch paint dry on the wall in the city because he had some weird obsessions with walls and paint and when they returned, they found that the hospital released their patients without their permission, that was when Myers jumped into the Loomis-Mobile and burned rubber. The old fart chased after him.
Halloween (1978)[]
Myers drove all the way to Haddonfield and made Laurie Strode his obsession. Despite being mentally ill and never being behind a sterring wheel he was somehow able to drive a friking car. Michael slugged all of Laurie's friends, who proceeded to loop him around her house for what could've been four gens, but of course Myers slugged all of them and none of them had that which Mikey wanted atm so they all bled out (Laurie was too busy being chased to heal them). Jason heard of the murders and took him off his leash, he had his own movie franchises to film anyway.
Myers got stabbed in the eye by Laurie with a clothes hanger and got shot a billion times by Dr. Loomis (who walked from Smith's Grove to Haddonfield on foot, yes, she looped Myers for that long) in her house. Myers fell off the second floor balcony and Dr. Loomis was being toxic, teabagging Myers and performed emotes on him.
Laurie Strode distracted Loomis however when she was babbling to him about something probably not even important, this allowed Myers to crawl away real fast. Samuel Loomis started chasing him (AGAIN!). Officer Frank Hawkins was on duty when Myers walked to his childhood home. Hawkins and his partner went into the Myers house when The Shape attacked. Hawkins shot his friend and accidentally killed him while Myers walked away unharmed, that was until Sam Loomis came and wacked Myers on his noggin. He was about to shoot Myers in the head and turn his head into a destroyed watermelon until Hawkins prevented him by lifting up his arm, making the bullet shoot into the sky.
Because he attempted to murder Michael Myers, Dixmor Doctors and Dixmor Scientists themselves arrive at the scene and took Loomis and Michael away, getting locked into the same dam asylum he locked Myers in. The Dixmor's dropped their investigation of Mikey. Loomis regrets being toxic because if he hadn't, Myers would've been apprehended and Loomis would've had walked a free and sane man. The main sheriff was wearing Rj Peart's vest. Michael was sent back to the place where Dr. Loomis was rotting at as well. He was put into the same room as him, they then had the most intense staring contest ever known to mankind which Myers won. After that, Michael obsessed over Laurie Strode, he would chew his nails in anticipation over seeing her again, he would jump up and down and nearly pee his pants from excitement while thinking about getting out and killing people again, one day, he'll get out, he thought to himself.
Michael only had to wait a day to be all alone for four whole entire decades as the old fart Loomis kicked the bucket a day after their imprisonment and Myers was in the solitary confinement for years.
Halloween (2018)[]
Several decades later, the folks running the hospital decided to shut it down and move every patient residing in it to a new facility after their discovery of the cheese that was running afoul in the building and the cook who sneered it all around the hall walls. Michael and the other inmates jumped into a bus, where Michael's doctor, Dr. Sartain, sabotaged everything by causing the bus to crash because he was obsessed about Myers. Michael waddles out of the bus and hops into a truck, kills the person inside of it and drives off to Haddonfield with the truck, full of olive oil, which was packed inside of it by Clammy Abandando.
Michael followed a woman and a man around, as they were carrying his iconic white (and quite frankly, smelly) mask they found in a museum. They stopped at a gas station and Michael ripped out a guy's jaw just because he looked at him. He went into the garage and stole the mechanic's coveralls. He went into the restroom where the woman was in and he dropped a couple of teeth. The man entered the room and Michael beat the ever loving life out of him. Blood was everywhere! After he was done with the man he choked the woman out. The man bled out to death. He went to their car and retrieved his precious white mask and put it on his ugly face.
He then walked into a nice neighborhood and stole a knife from a someone's kitchen without asking and started killing everyone for the lols.
Later he met Laurie Strode and the two fought viciously. In the end, Laurie trapped Michael in her house's basement and set the place on fire with him inside. Michael survived however when he hid inside a little room with a metal door so the fire couldn't eat him. Firefighters arrived and they saved Michael and he thanked him by brutally murdering them all!
Later he walked all the way to the town of Haddonfield to kill s'more. He went into an old couple's house and destroyed their cute little innocent air drone. He hid and smashed the husbands head against the wall. The wife witnessed this and ran away and screamed. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a plastic butter knife to defend herself against the psycho killer. Myers walked into the kitchen, grabbed a long light bulb, smashed it and stabbed the wife in the throat. While she was still dyin', Myers probably positioned her to make her watch him stab her husband repeatedly, there was like 20 knives in his torso.
After killing a couple more people. He got beat up by the citizens of Haddonfield, he was nearly shot in the head when he saved himself by sheer strength. He fought everyone back, slashing them and all. He also killed Karen, Laurie Strode's daughter!
Michael was a relatively good-lookin' man when he was (9+10 equals) 21 years old. But when Laurie stabbed him in his eye, his whole face began to mutate and rot and now he is disfigured and deformed. His eye is all swollen and he looks like he is in constant anger and his face looks like a cheeseburger. He also has slick back brown hair, kind of similar to a greaser. He is also very tall.
In 2018, when he was 61, he was bald with some grey hair on his head. He also had a grey beard and wrinkly skin and had trouble peeing, meaning he possibly had bladder problems due to his old age.
He wears mechanics coveralls and a white, expressionless mask with fake brown hair attached to it, it became withered when 2018 came around and after the fire half of the mask was burnt and crispy.
These days[]
Michael has been spotted just yesterday, drinking in the Brimstone Saloon, without his mask on and talking with Herman Kenyon, the bartender Hanz Kenyon's long, great grandson. That was until he got into a huge fight that ended in him being taken by a spider thing called The Entity and now he works for it endlessly.
- He ate a dog once who was raw as he didn't even cook it.
- He absolutely hated it when Dr. Sam Loomis wouldn't shut his yap and when Sam compared Michael to Mr. Nasty.
- When he does not have a weapon and his opponent is on the ground, Michael opts to goomba stomp them, like some supper Mario or Linguini.
- His theme song goes somethin' like: dun, dun dun, dun, dun dun, dun. dun dun, dun, dun dun, dun, dun dun, dun, dun dun, DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING DING.
- He is so flippin' scurry people scream when they see him! Even when you say his name people will yelp and run.
- The more he kills, the powerful he gets.