Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Melissa Sterling assassinates Virgil, is property of Demon Redwood.

WARNING: The story is 18+, involves snuff, sadism and uh assassinacione, so to speak per se. The story is fictional and so are the characters.

ALSO: None of this was written for any sexual pleasure or arousal. I do not support any of the crap in this story and condemn violence of any kind. The Gigi part however, was written for erotic pleasures, but Paul Barrel rightfully deleted it because this page was not made for erotic pleasure in general.

The Story[]

Melissa Sterling, an experienced cat burglar (not in a literal sense, but a thief) goes into this crappy-as block of flats in uh, Brooklyn, I guess? She actually needs to find a guy to assassinate. She is actually a descendant of Morgan Sterling, who was, ironically, the chief of po-po force once in Gold Town, WV. Anyway, Virgilo is a guy who has evidence against her and could bring her down to jail. The story takes place during the night, btw.

The guy's name is Virgil and doesn't even get a surname. Because his role is being a fodder for Melissa's thighs. Virgil sounds close to Virgin. (No offence to people who never had sex, I'm one of those myself.)

Melissa is good at climbing up buildings, and she had Virgil scanned and knows exactly where the mofo lives. Exactly in which apartment. She threw her spear hook thingy onto Virgil's open window, and he didn't realise it, being too busy posting crap about Melissa on his computer.

Melissa climbed up the rope, shoving off her buttocks while she did, and jumped throw Virgil's window. Virgil was startled and jumped away from his computer, his office chair bouncing on the ground. "You..." he uttered. Melissa was flexible and a martial arts expert, though, so she just kicked Virgil once in the stomach and he fell down flat on his back like a cheap tent.

The air rushed out of him in one gasping breath, eyes widening from the impact, but he realised that Melissa turned around and stood above him now. She then laid across him and spread her legs and used them to adjust his head between 'em. He appeared to recognise the danger as the burglar's thighs closed around his neck, and he tried to stand back up, pry up his head, but Melissa bent her leg and used her calf to push his head the rest of the way down so that his throat was pressed tightly against her. Then she turned around so she could stare him in his ugly face and used her athletic legs to squeezed him again around the neck. "Pathetic man." she uttered as he was practically choked by her private parts.

Virgil actually still managed to look irritated for a few seconds, as if this was just the sort of thing he had to deal with every night or day. Despite his soyjak-like body, he reached behind his head and pulled hard against Melissa's knee. He wasn't as strong as his compensating brain made him out to be, and she kept the lock in place with little effort. Soon the irritation fell away, and was replaced with a sudden fear as he realised the burglar was no joke. He began to grunt rapidly as he pulled and shoved against the burglar's legs.

“Should've had deleted that garbage when you had the chance or thought about it. The consequences won't be of your liking. I am not giving you a second chance.” Melissa said, being intimidating just like your father with the belt after you get an F in scool. “I won't promise you a quick death either, however. I want you to suffer.”

His wide eyes snapped to hers as she spoke, so she grinned and showed him a middle finger, humiliating him further.

His fighting began to slow, but this was taking longer than it should. Probably because she wasn't directly blocking his carotid artery purposely.

Working quickly so that he wouldn't have any chance to get away, Melissa took hold of the freak's head with both her small arms and spread her legs just enough so that she could make a slight adjustment to the positioning of his neck, and hug his head tighter against her. Then she bore down again, this time with pinpoint accuracy.

“Plea-” Was the only thing he was able to beg before being cut off. Melissa raised a finger and held it in front of her, shushing the virgin sternly.

His eyes crossed with tears as a gurgling wheeze escaped from his throat. His feet kicked wildly, then meekly before slowing to a lazy twitching within seconds of Melissa applying the new and improved hold. His never-touching-grass hands clung desperately to her toned and improved thighs.

“The more you struggle, the longer it'll take. Don't struggle and this'll be over sooner.” She told him, although she wasn't sure if he could understand what she was saying or not at this point. “You'll be down burning in Hell in no time. Satan really rules, y'know?” A few moments of silent struggling, she smiled: “No one is gonna remember you once I killed you. Not even me.”, copying a quote of Blade Beadle.

Melissa watched him closely as he went to sleep, despite clear tears being in his eyes, since he knew he drew his last breaths. She stroked the top of his head almost lovingly, causing his confused eyes to roll up to hers, silently begging her to stop her relentless squeezing. He hoped to earn some mercy, but Melissa's kindness was faux. She doesn't let anyone stand in her way. Well, at least not Virgil, I guess, because she's actually real sweet, just ask her gf, Gigi.

His face began to twitch as his arms went limp and lost their grip on Melissa's legs. His eyes rolled to the ceiling but remained open, staring with desperate intensity. His eyes were practically pleading and begging for life, for air, all teary, but Melissa doesn't give second chances to privacy invaders like him or those who wish to see her in jail. Hell, she doesn't even give first ones. A strangled noise, like a plastic duck used so your dog can chew on it, drifted out from between his pursed lips.

Melissa could just snap his neck right here and now, like a twig and end his miserable existence, but she decided that toying was not over yet. She decided to choke him out some more first. “Just another few seconds...” Melissa whispered, although now he clearly couldn't hear her. “... like, maybe ten more seconds.”

She reached down with one hand, cupping it around the back of Virgil's head and pulling it harshly forward. Then she crossed her ankles squeezed with renewed pressure, counting out from one to ten under her breath, but Virgil still decided to try giving life a choice and tried fighting for it.

His arms and legs thrashed aimlessly for a moment or two. It wasn't a conscious escape attempt, but rather his flagging brain sending out frantic survival instincts. Indeed people take life for granted one too many often.

The burglar smiled viciously as she loved his begging, but the flailing ceased and her ten-count was complete.

Then, when she made sure Virgil was totally out, she decided to twist her legs around and snap his neck like a twig. With a satisfying crack, she released his head and let it fall down to the ground. Blood started gushing from his broken neck and his dead eyes glazed over. "Have fun rotting in Hell." Melissa said as she stood up and put her foot on his face.

Melissa then looked around, proudly, for a few. She looked at Virgil's dead body and the floor and kicked his head. "Pathetic. This joke actually thought he could expose me?" She grunted, genuine disappointment in her voice that this was the person she had to get rid of, her pride vanishing. She then turned around and deleted all of Virgil's shit on the computer and threw the sucker onto the floor. She then stomped it and knee-dropped it for good measure, making sure all evidence of her were good as gone... forever.

Seeing her work was done, she texted her gf (named Gigi) and told her that she's coming home soon. She then looked at Virgil's body one last time and kicked his corpse in the ballsack. Then she used the same rope she used to climb in and dropped down with it, getting into her dark-as-coal car and drove off into the night, probably back to Queens or somewhere close. (I'm not American, so idk how close Queens are to Broccoli.)
