Made up Characters Wiki

This article, McGruff the Crime Dog, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

McGruff the Crime Dog

McGruff the Crime Dog is a bloodhound who was introduced in July 1980. He appears on PSA’s relating to organized crime prevention. He dresses like a typical secret agent or detective and is rumoured to be friends with Rocky the Flying Squirrel, Bullwinkle J. Moose, Secret Squirrel, and Morocco Mole, and helps them all fight crime. Even though he’s a dog and not a human, he is also very similar to the real-life agents and cops named Joe Arpaio, David Clarke, and Scott Pruitt. Since 1994, he has had a nephew named Scruff.


McGruff fought Smokey Bear in a death battle.


Smokey Bear VS McGruff the Crime Dog DEATH BATTLE!-0
