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This article, Max MacTavish, is property of Billy cougar.

Max MacTavish
Max at shcool
Biographical information
Real name Biggson Max "Mihael" MacTavish
Also known as Maxy, Big Mac, Pig Mac, Pig Max, stuck up teacher, Mr. Teach, security guy, law man, Seidan Guard, Hotaru wanna-be, Maxie
Nationality Irish-American flag Irish-American
Born 1980
Age 39
Status Alive
Birthplace Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Celtic-Caucasian
Height 6'1" (185 cm)
Weight 178 lbs (81 kg)
Blood type A+
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Dixmor Academy teachers
Enemies {{{enemies}}}
Occupation(s) Security, teacher
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Bully
Voiced by (English) Lenny Grossi
"The law always wins!"
— Max while busting a student

Biggson Max MacTavish is a character in Bully, and is a teacher at Dixmor Academy. He is the third additional teacher, however.

Role in game[]

Max only appears in one cutscene, during the mission "Complete Mayhem". He stands to one side as Seth Kolbe tackles Jimmy Hopkins and confiscates his slingshot. The two of them are then chased away by Russell Northrop.

In Chapter 2, he gives Jimmy an errand fetching toilet paper so he can wipe his stinky ass.


"I hope that hurt. Assaulting a security, eh? Watch it, toiletsmear."
— Max
"Wanna closer look at my fist? My fist will adjust your attitude."
— Max to Jimmy
"I'm going to make Dixmor safe. The law always wins."
— Max
"Security under attack! Request help. Stop in the name of Dixmor academy!"
— Max when attacked
"I hope the police has my application."
— MacTavish
"Enough with the random violence! You need some law and order."
— Max acting like Hotaru
"You're not Seidan material. Who lashes out at a law??! Rat throwing is forbidden! You are facing academy personally."
— Maxy when a student is doing bad things

Personality and traits[]

Max is very into enforcing the law, like the Seidan Guardsmen. He aspires to join either the police force or the Seidan guardsmen in Orderworld, and appears to think of himself as an applicator of justice. While he is hostile to the students and expects them to be afraid of him, he may be the least corrupt of the additional teachers. He seems to be more of an overzealous authoritarian than a bully, and he claims he doesn't understand the minds of troublemakers. Small-talk from the Jocks says he carries a police baton in his pants. Lefty Mancini refers to Max saying that he is so stuck up. His other personality trait is that of the unique and unpleasant insults he comes up with, such as "toilet-stain" and "smearwipe".

It is speculated that Max's favourite gang of students are Jocks. The Jocks talk about him more than the other gangs, and he admits to taking growth hormones like some of the Jocks do.

According to the data files of Dixmor academy, Max is the second-in-command of the additional teachers. However, that is highly likely to be false.

Journal Entry[]

Max always wanted to be a police officer of the Dixmor Academy, guess he will later pursue his dreams in becoming a policeman or Seidan guardsman. If he can find a portal to Orderworld, however, and trust me - that portal is damn hard to find. Even for me.

