Marshade The Great[]
Marshade is and has been a figure within several Minecraft earth communities and he has successfully established and ruled over numerous nations.
CLIFFCRAFT, SEASON 1, 18 July - Present[]
Following a Military Coup on August 5th, he was exiled to Texas, where he became a prominent figure in the Texas mining industry.
After negotiations with the Albanian government, he was allowed to return and after the infamous "March on Tirana", he was crowned Albania's new King as "Marshade I".
Under Marshade's leadership, the Albanian Kingdom underwent a transformation into a semi-constitutional monarchy, with power shared between the King and the Prime Minister.
While Marshade's reign witnessed ambitious attempts at modernisation, the passage of time has seen the nation's activity dwindle. Despite his best efforts, Albania's political landscape has seen increasing inactivity.
Marshade, entered the server on July 2nd, swiftly carving out a distinct path. He rose to prominence by founding the nation of Kampuchea, characterised by its Unitary Marxist-Leninist-one-party socialist framework. Marshade quickly oversaw the establishment of an agricultural-driven economy within his nation. However, tensions arose swiftly, as on the 8th July, Kampuchea found itself embroiled in a territorial dispute with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam as Kampuchea claimed territories that were recognised as Vietnamese.
Faced with the territorial dispute, he implemented a bold reform, leading to the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam. This new entity adopted the structure of a Unitary dominant-party presidential constitutional republic, with the Agrarian League emerging as its governing party.
With this new state, Marshade believed aligning with anti-communist nations could bolster his cause and help maintain control over the disputed Vietnamese territories. After engaging in negotiations with the true Vietnam (Socialist Republic of Vietnam), Marshade pledged to withdraw from the contested territories and rename his nation in exchange for a sum of 30,000. After these successful negotiations, Marshade proclaimed the birth of the People's Republic of Cambodia on July 11th and Cambodia reverted to its former status as a Unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party Socialist Republic.
Following the establishment of the People's Republic of Cambodia, Marshade's leadership took a stark turn as he initiated a widespread suppression of opposition, effectively leading to the establishment of a police state. With his secret police "Vanguard", carrying out a ruthless campaign, it resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives, some innocent while the others... not so. At the same time Cambodia underwent a radical transformation, solidifying its status as a dominant global economy, largely attributed to Marshade's visionary land reforms.
However, despite its remarkable economic achievements, Marshade's Socialist State was short-lived as internal dynamics within his military led to a change in priorities, prompting the dissolution of the People's Republic of Cambodia on July 14th.
Responding to the influence of a resurgent military faction, Marshade approved a bold plan: to invade the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and capture parts of its south eastern coast to devour. Reasons for these was mere power projection, as Cambodia had no real justification for the invasion other then they wanted to show that they would be a power to be reckoned with. This move led to a significant change – the nation was renamed once again to the Cambodian Union and transformed into a Federal Presidential Republic, with Marshade once again assuming the role of President.
During this short period from the 14th to the 16th July, the military gained more influence as Cambodia clashed with Vietnam once again. Despite hard challenges, Cambodia emerged victorious, thanks to its strong and determined military and got some of its support from Orinion.
Following the triumphant Cambodian invasion of Vietnam, the Cambodian Union's power and influence surged. This success sparked the interests of neighbouring territories, including lands from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, who expressed a desire to become part of the thriving Cambodian Union and swim in it's glory. As Cambodia's power expanded, Marshade, guided by input from his military advisers, made a momentous declaration on the 16th July. He proclaimed the establishment of the Cambodian Empire, instituting an Unitary Absolute Monarchy. Marshade subsequently crowned himself Emperor, cementing his position at the helm.
However, the grandeur of the Cambodian Empire's rise was brief, as just a day later, on the 17th, news circulated that Season 6 was going to end due to Slavic going insane and threatening to send hit squads. This unexpected turn of events marked the end of the empire's existence and the end of Hearts of Minecraft.