Made up Characters Wiki
Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Mang, is property of Customimage.

Biographical information
Real name Mang Mango Suarez
Nationality Spanish flag Spanish
Born July 25, 5 BH
Age 28
Status Alive
Birthplace Dotohee Village, Orinion
Physical description
Eye colour Black
Ethnicity Pastelic crimson
Blood type A
Gender Male
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Tata, Van, RJ, Chimmy, Cooky, Shooky, Koya, Lord Farquaad
Enemies Tsar Milk III
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) Puzzle Star BT21
Main appearance(s) (Cartoons) BT21 Universtar Cartoon

Mang is an Universtarian revolutionary and one of the key figures of the Universtarian Revolution, where Shooky usurped the power of Tsar Milk III in order to implement communism and make it work, something that never happened before. He also once went on a dance tournament against Lord Farquaad from Orinion. Despite being opponents in the tournament, Mang is ardently one of Lord Farquaad's allies. Farquaad is a fellow communist. Lord Farquaad became the first Orinionian to visit Planet BT after a trip for the dance tournament. Mang was a good friend of Lord Farquaad, and he supported his every decision. He wore a horse mask so no other horse would think he was not a horse.


  • He came to Planet BT from Spain in Earth.
  • He a chipmunk.
  • His girlfriend is All the Girl.
  • He wears a horse mask sometime. Mostly when trying to fit in with the other horses, though.

