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Made up Characters Wiki

This article, Mama Scorpion, is property of Billy cougar.

Mama Scorpion
Mama Scorpion 2
Biographical information
Real name Mandy "Mama Scorpion" Scarponi
Also known as Mamma, Mom, Scorpi, baker, Miss Scorpion, Mammy, Ms. Baker
Nationality French-Italian Italian-French
Born 1983/17 BH
Age 39
Status Alive
Birthplace Dijon, France, Europe
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity White
Height 5'8
Weight 52kg
Blood type A+
Gender Female Logo Female
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Corleone crest Corleone Family, Charlie Trapani (both former), DeVazzi Family
Enemies Corleones, Tattaglia crest Tattaglia Family
Occupation(s) Corleone family spy (former), baker, DeVazzi Citizen
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) The Godfather Game
Voiced by (English) Amanda Moody
"If the Corleones ever want a cake or sumfin, let me know!"
— Mama to Charlie

Mandy Scarponi, better known as Mama Scorpion is a baker from Little Town. She is a minor hero character in The Godfather Game and an ex-Corleone Family spy.


A baker with ties to the Stracci Family, she inherited Trapani's Bakery after it was burnt down and later rebuilt following its sale by Emilio Barzini, which was done in order to distance himself from the murder of Johnny Trapani.

Scorpion had no real allegiance to the Straccis, particularly after the man in charge of her protection, Leo Grossi, refused to help her get rid of a drug dealer who lurked in her back alley, as he knew him from his high school days. When Charlie Trapani, son of Johnny, performed this task for her, she gave her protection money to him and felt happier she could run her business without customers being scared of the drug dealer. She carried on running the bakery for the Corleones until their defeat in around 17 AH during which the DeVazzi Family and Barzini Family took over France.

Mama in return became a Citizen for the DeVazzis.


