Made up Characters Wiki
Biographical information
Real name Chéng Má Li
Also known as Cheng the Malicious, Cheng Maria
Nationality 800px-Flag of China svg Chinese
Age 36
Status Alive
Birthplace Unapplicable
Physical description
Eye colour Brown
Hair colour Brown
Ethnicity Britto-Chinese
Height 250 cm
Weight 100 kg
Blood type B+
Gender Female/Intersex
Career, affiliations and family information
Affiliation(s) Stacy Cheng (friend)
Changan Triad
Changan Tribe
Enemies Yōsuka Chieftain
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information
Main appearance(s) (Movies) Chip-chan Kick Sequel: Dark Renovation - The Audio Novel
Chieftain: The Showdown
Created by F.I.N.
Designed by Archibald Brinn
Voiced by (English) Irina Domninskaya

Malice Cheng is a secondary antagonist of Chip-chan Kick universe, a killer-gang member known-as Cheng Má Li (zh. 程玛莉) due of her Chinese name translation problems, Yōsuka's greatest enemy after Stacy's death.


The origin of Malice is unknown. Probably it's another version of Yōsuka in time when Yōsuka became an evil character after Seika's death. It came to light that it's bad future version of Yōsuka.


Malice is an overcharged and overpowered version of Yōsuka, overflown with evil. She is a pure villain unlike Stacy.

"Malice" given name meaning[]

Malice as a given name is a derivative of "malicious" word that meaning a mean, ill-bred and wicked human, creature or lifeform.


  • Leo Kasper is actually based on both Malice and Stacy rolled into one.
  • Irina Domninskaya, the voice actor that voiced Malice, also portrayed the bully teacher in Eralash episode named "Do You Speak English?".