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This article, Mad Bob Larson, is property of Billy cougar.

Mad Bob Larson
Mat Bop
Nickname(s) Bobby, Robert, Lars, Mad Bob, criminal
Appears in Red Dead Revolver
Rank Criminal, bank robber
Affiliations Ugly Gang, Dead Gang
Status Deceased
Killed By Red Harlow
Birth Unknown, presumably 1848 or 1850, US
Death 17 April, 1887, Widow's Palace, Cholla Hills, Texas, United States of America
Voice Actor Stephen Schnetzer
"Dam, Varmin!"
— Larson after Varmin kills Red's dog

Mad Bob Larson is a minor villain character in Red Dead Revolver.


Not much is known about Mad Bob Larson. Sheriff Bartlett simply notes that he is wanted for grand larceny and murder, with a reward of $300. Although it can be assumed he was a bank robber who worked for Ugly Chris and his gang and also the Dead Gang.


Mad Bob is treated as a random enemy during the mission "Ugly Streetfight" in Widow's Palace. Him, Varmin Kang, an unknown bandit and Chicken are the first four enemies that appear during the mission with Larson being shot first.

He also appears in the opening cutscene of the mission "Ghost Town" but is not seen in the mission itself.


