Made up Characters Wiki

This article, MUC Wiki Mafia, is property of KGBSpetsnaz.

The MUC Wiki Mafia is an organised crime syndicate active on many wikis of FANDOM. Our members also have LOTS of Wiki connections! Although Staff Sargent Jack Jackson is the founder of this awesome Wiki, he isn’t an actual member of the Wiki’s Mafia.

The Underboss Damon Redwood has connections on Hyper Anon, Liberapedia, Godfather, Mafia, Villains Fanon and Tekken Wiki's as well as this one. Ever since Damon Redwood and Tom Hagen left, KGBSpetsnaz got promoted to underboss from capo. Buzzy Boy Fan 1101 is currently MIA. Hopefully, he didn't get arrested by the Wikia Security Agency.

Known Members[]
