Made up Characters Wiki
Nickname(s) The Butcher, bald butcher, crazy butch
Appears in Lupo the Butcher
Rank Butcher
Affiliations Danny’s Meat shop (possibly)
Status Unknown
Killed By None
Hair Black, bold
Eyes Same as his skin colour, white
Race Caucasian-Mediterranean
Death ?
Weapon Butcher Axe, Meat Cleaver

Lupo is a psychotic Italian-Canadian butcher who has a huge temper and swears at his meat (not his sexual organ) when the smallest things go wrong. He is the titular main character of the animated short comedy film Lupo the Butcher. The animated short was directed and written by Danny Antonucci, who is well known for creating Ed Edd 'n Eddy. He probably worked at Danny’s Meat Shop in Peach Creek at some point, which is a store that can be seen in some EEnE episodes.

If he were to meet him, it is possible he would have some sort of a rivalry with Meat.
