This article, Lucy De Luca, is property of Billy cougar. |
Lucy De Luca | |
Biographical information | |
Real name | Luciano De Luca |
Also known as | Lucky, Lucy, Luka, Lucas, Lukas, De, denim greaser, Lucc, Luciano |
Nationality | Italian-American |
Born | April 29, 1990/10 BH |
Age | 16 (as of the events of Bully, Fall 2006 to Summer 7 AH) lastly 32 |
Status | Deceased |
Birthplace | Little Italy, New York City, United States of America |
Physical description | |
Eye colour | Green |
Hair colour | Brown/reddish |
Ethnicity | Mediterranean-Caucasian |
Height | 6'0" (182 cm) |
Weight | 158 lbs (72 kg) |
Blood type | B+ |
Gender | Male |
Career, affiliations and family information | |
Affiliation(s) | Greasers, Ricky Pucino, Lefty Mancini |
Enemies | Gicov's Gang |
Occupation(s) | School student (former), mechanic |
Video Games, Movies and Cartoons information | |
Main appearance(s) (Video Games) | Bully |
Voiced by (English) | Mike Nathan |
- "Man, maybe scoring with so many and many chicks is getting boring? Nah. *Chuckling which then turns into slow cry*"
- — Lucy lying around that he was banging some chicks
Luciano De Luca (better known by the feminine nickname: Lucy) is a minor character in Bully, and is a member of the Greasers at the Dixmor Academy.
Role in Game[]
Lucky appears throughout chapter 3, but doesn't play a very large part in the game at all. He has spoken one line in a cutscene in the mission "Greaser Challenge" and that's about it. But he does participate in the Halloween mission, where he gives Jimmy Hopkins a task to trip people with some marbles. At one point he buys test answers for geography from Justin Vandervelde despite the rivalry between the two gangs. He, along with Ricky Pucino and Larry Romano, also attempt to attack Jimmy in "Here's to you, Ms. Philips" when they catch him chatting with their favourite teacher. Lucy can also be found working on a car during shop class, which later led to him becoming a mechanic. In "Lola's Race" Lucy appears with Johnny Vincent, and Pucino in a bike race trying to beat Jimmy, but get beat by him instead while Vincent gets beat off.
After Bully[]
After the game's events, Lucy works as a mechanic somewhere in Texas and even owns his own garage. Thus, through false ego and lies, has Lucy achieved his dreams of working an honest, blue-collar job, ironically.
On 26 January, 24 AH, Lucy was killed in a bank robbery in San Antonio by a couple of resurrected Gicov's Gang members who took all of the money from the heist. Lucy laid down on the ground and obeyed Bad Jo's orders, but Jo liked his jacket and asked De Luca to hand it over to him. When Lucy replied with "Not my jacket! Anything but my denim jacket!", a nearby Gicov gangster shot him in the head, killing him and Jo took his denim jacket from his corpse as his own.
Personality and traits[]
Lucy seems to be unusually mature for his age and his gang alignment. He's an advocate of staying in school and of holding an honest blue-collar job, despite its low pays. He also expresses the opinion that he thinks the world would be a better place if more people knew what it was like to put in an honest day's work, but still lies a lot about numerous stuff. He considers himself to be a nice guy and gets irritated when others think the opposite. Much like Gordon Wakefield, Lucy thinks very highly of himself and is something of a know-it-all, but in reality, he only knows how to run his mouth and nothing else. In lines of lying dialogue, he seems to be very unsuccessful with girls, often talking about how "scoring with so many girls is getting boring", but it's all just lies. He claims that he can destroy anyone in a fight, although his fighting skills are very weak.
If the Greasers' standing with Jimmy Hopkins is positive, Lucy will act nervous around Jimmy and beg not to be beaten up, possibly because he seems to dislike Jimmy according to his dialogue when conversing with other greasers and fears Jim might find this out. As he is seen working on cars in shop class and Ernst Neil claims that cars are for seniors only, Lucy is a senior.
He has also tagged his name all over the BMX park in New Coventry due to his never-ending ego.
Lucy's advice of "stay cool, go to school" is the same as Rico Banana's.
- De Luca and Lefty Mancini are the only greasers to wear denim jackets as oppose to leather ones. It appears that Luciano would also rather die than gave over his jacket, altho it ain't known if the jacket he wore during his school days is the same one he wore during his last day.
- His report card grades, as sometimes seen, are the following:
- Art: C
- Science: C
- English: B-
- History: D+
- Math: D+
- Biology: B
- Chemistry: C-
- Geography: A+
- Music: B-
- Photography: B
- Shop: A
- Home Economics: C
- Gym: D+
- Judging from the fact that he actually has a decent grade in the photography class unlike the other kids, Deirdre Philips might have actually have the hots for him, although it is doubtful that they ever banged.