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This article, Liu Kang's Tomb, is property of Billy cougar.

Liu Kang's Tomb
Liu Kang's tomb art
Mortal Kombat: Return of The Dragon King
Near some woods next to Wu Shi Academy, People's Republic of China, Asia
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Console Codename (PC)
Liu Kang's Deathground
Singleplayer Map
On Earth

Liu Kang's Tomb made its premiere in Mortal Kombat: Return of The Dragon King. The tomb is located in a nearby woods next to the Wu Shi Academy in Earth.


This tomb is where the noble Shaolin warrior Liu Kang is preserved after he was killed by the Deadly Alliance. The masters of the Wu Shi Academy had his body carefully preserved and hidden deep in the nearby forest, away from the forces of evil. Academy students come to Liu Kang's tomb periodically for retreats and meditations on their lessons. Four medallions showing his four Mortal Kombat victories are displayed above the eternal flame of his memory.

The tomb was later desecrated by a corrupted Raiden, who had become angry at how Earth has fallen into danger so many times. He robbed Liu Kang's body and resurrected it as his personal enforcer. The Shaolin Monks who come to his tomb are later mercilessly slaughtered by his body.

This arena is just a normal round arena with no death traps or lower levels, but features a sword called quadspade that can be picked up.

