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This article, Lipari Factory, is property of Billy cougar.

Lipari Factory
Hold on an hour - 2
The Godfather Game
Trapani, bodyguard VS Cuneos
Old Town Industrial Park, Little Town, France City, France
Modes (Console Only; PC can play any map in any mode)
Console Codename (PC)
Lipari factory
Singleplayer Map
In Little Town

Located in Old Town Industrial Park, the Lipari Factory was the Cuneo Family's base in Little Town, where they conducted their weapons racket. It was named after a small island of the coast of Sicily. Run by Bobby Baretta, the fabrika was well protected due to it's close proximity to the Cuneos home turf of Old Town, and it's distance from any police activity. During the Corleone family's recapture of their home turf, the Lipari Factory was stormed and Baretta was bought out.

Known employees[]
